Google has a turtle on it today, for all you turtle fans on my f-list (you know who you are). ETA: Oops, I refreshed and it's gone. D:
Stole this from
bakahachi. <3 Guess the JE guy meme.
1. Post 10 open letters to JE boys, nice or mean, whatever you prefer. Don't mention names.
2. Let your friends list guess who you're talking about.
I think these will be pretty easy to guess.
1. A lot of people don't particularly care for you (on the other hand, a lot of people do), but I've always liked you. You used to be my favorite, actually. You've had a great career so far and been in the limelight quite a bit. Unfortunately, some of your coworkers will always be in your shadow, and perhaps that distances some people from you. Still, you continue to show that you not only work hard, but you also have a fair amount of talent to back it up (though I wouldn't count singing as part of that talent - XD;;). I hope that we can continue seeing good things from you in the future.
2. You were my first real contact (as in, not animated) to the JE world when I watched your drama last year, though you weren't the one that ultimately pulled me in. Since that wildly popular drama and its sequel last year, I've seen you in one more drama (tho it's kind of old), a romantic comedy that you were absolutely adorable in, like a baby puppy. I'm not very familiar with the ins and outs of your group, though I can name all of the members (and really like a few of them), and every song I've heard your group release is so cheerful that it puts me in a good mood. You seem well-respected, though I hear you've got quite the personality.
3. You are a great actor with a terrific no-holds-barred sense of comic timing, both talents you have used in your extensive resume of dramas. You are also devastatingly handsome, in a masculine way (which bears mentioning in JE XD). Your singing voice doesn't really match your speaking voice, somehow, but your group seems almost effortlessly cool (from an outsider's POV).
4. Liking you is kind of a guilty pleasure, since you are so much younger than me and not really the type of guy I ultimately see myself with. Even so, while I may entertain thoughts of other JE boys from time to time, it always comes back to you. Can't be helped.
5. I feel like I have the most common with you: hobbies, what we think about, our tendency to fail. Although you were often overlooked, people seem to be reacting to you a lot more lately, good and bad. You've been working on yourself, trying out new things and putting yourself out there. I say good for you! Now is the time for you to figure out who you are and what you feel comfortable with. Go get 'em, tiger!
6. You are hot (and I'm quite sure you know it), you have a relatively unique talent (within JE), and I love your lips. Your thighs look fantastic in short-shorts. You seem to be kind of a background guy, but sometimes you surprise me and grab all the attention (hard to do in your attention-grabbing group), to everyone's amusement.
7. You try really hard to be cool and rebellious, but I love it. I eat it up. You have beautiful eyes and a beautiful face, but people don't always notice because they're looking at your hair or the weird faces you make. And you are a protector of women (or at least you were on national television) when they are being treated poorly by other members of your group, and for that, you have my respect.
8. I just can't imagine how you do everything that you do. I get tired just thinking about it, but I applaud you for it. I didn't really care for you for a while due to my own principles, but I have to admit that I became shallow and began to like you again just because you are so damn attractive. How is it that you can look mind-numbingly cute in one shot and smoldering in the next? Now I feel like you've matured, and that makes me feel better.
9. While there's really no JE boy that I don't like, beyond the initial "Ooh, he's hot" reaction, I never really caught on to the hype surrounding you. I guess it's because I feel like you're a bit arrogant? And why not - everyone looks up to you, even one of the most famous entertainers in Japan. While I'm sure you've earned that right (you've done your time, you've worked hard and were - and still are - a leader), I'm just not warming to you.
10.You were doing quite well for a while there, but due to circumstances, you fell off the radar a bit. I admit that I pitied you a little, but now it seems you're coming into your own. Keep trying your best! Hopefully people will begin to take more notice of you. You are beautiful (and so is your little brother - watch out for him)!
ETA2: I... I can't even describe how much I love the NewS Summertime PV!!! ☆ It's Weeeek all over again; I will have to watch it ten and a half million times just to see everything. First thoughts: PV starts with Massu being the cutest ever and ends with Massu being the cutest ever - and the hug! ; the pop-up book makes me think of Fergie's Clumsy video; Ryo totally drinks from the house milk bottle; Pi, I really don't mind the cups this time - I know it's your thing; Tegoshi giving himself the V while looking at himself in a handmirror; Koyama watering plants and spiking the smoothies; Shige + old man glasses + tiny dog = love.
ETA3: Wha-what? The heel of the hand springing off of the forehead... is this what the kids are doing these days? I'm confused...that's nothing new XD
Someone uploaded on YT already, so please watch it
Click to view
if you're not inclined to download it. Totally worth it.
And I'm loving KAT-TUN's new song. Finally.