I have had a lot of emotional crazy times lately. Really, that's life and I wouldn't have it any other way. --and I look forward to experiencing it all, good and bad. I love the experience, and although it scares me _a lot_ sometimes, I really love being alive and am grateful for it. :)
I thought I would share with ya'll one of the ways I recharge, and one of the ways I express my creativity -- costumes! Garb (a costume of a particular region or culture) is more more true passion than the Halloween type, and in certain circles I have become known for my work on historical Mid-Eastern clothing in a group called the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), which is a historical reenactment group with a place for all types of people and all sort of pursuits. Here is a previous outfit I worked on and put details and pictures here:
http://www.geocities.com/julianafelicity/turkish.html In my own research I was curious about how people interpreted things, so I put up how I had interpreted stuffs, too. It seems to have been valuable to many, and inspired great conversations and learning for us all.
I am working on a new outfit.
It will be same culture (urban Turkish, Renaissance late SCA period), but a slightly different take on it. I am going more for the Persian influenced look: longer and more flowing-ish and less "look at my lovely big butt and hips" (which is a look that truly I do enjoy).
Here is the inspiration for it:
It's a vintage hat from the 1960's era (I think) from "Peck and Peck, Fifth Avenue New York" that I got on eBay by a fluke. It is made of dark royal blue velvet and embroidered with gold metallic threads, white seed beads, pink, purple, green, and aqua beads, some sequins. The adornment is applied in a period way and even in period motifs -- I couldn't have done better myself! I am not intending to alter it at all, but wear it slightly back on my head with some head veil-type covering.
I am so very excited about it. It's been a while since I've garbed for historical purposes (what with the wedding and all, moving, and more), and I am ready to give it a go again.
I have also been inspired by people's gracious compliments, I have been inspired by others, and also by people's email requests for info on period clothing and cultures.
I suppose the Boi might need a little touch-up too, but I love what he made for himself:
Rawrr. :)