Progress and Update

Feb 19, 2014 10:18

A recent disappointment in the job department may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Namely, two of the shows I was transcribing have stopped airing, meaning it's possible to get to bed at a decent hour now. Considering that my best periods of weight loss last year happened when I was on vacation and sleeping longer hours, this could mean that I'll finally break off the plateau where I've been, hovering 1 to 2 pounds below or above 190.

I've also stepped up my exercise, taking an intense kickboxing class on Mondays, doing 15 minutes of yoga in the mornings, and trying to work in extra movement wherever possible. My kitty in particular is enjoying the yoga; he comes down on the floor with me, purring, and likes to run underneath every time I do Downward Facing Dog! He doesn't get much alone time with his mommy anymore, so it's a great time to bond with my kitty-boy.

While the scale remains more or less unchanged (but the work schedule just changed a little more than a week ago), my clothes are fitting differently. I've noticed my pants are starting to seem loose in the butt, and my shirt looser around the waist. Maybe my body composition is changing, acquiring more muscle and losing some fat.

In other news, a friend pointed me towards a video competition held by an early education advocacy organization called Baby Steps. I was able to put together a two-minute video featuring, of course, my son, Kung Fu Panda. Please take a moment and check it out. Hopefully, it will make you smile. It's called "Puppet Problem Solving":

You'll have to scroll to the bottom of the screen to view it. Look for a still that shows KFP with two puppets.

If you like the video, please vote by clicking on the box in the upper right-hand corner of the video. Judges will award top prizes based on specific criteria (such as creativity and production values), but there will also be a special "audience favorite" prize.

plateau, exercise

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