Nov 30, 2004 19:48
1) What time do you get up?
depends on if i have Ap hw OR NOT. If i have Ap, at about 6. If i dont have AP, 6:01.
2) If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be?
Carmen Electra. we would eat out.
3) Gold/silver:
white gold is pimp. However, im not all that much of a blingage wearer. I thik white gold blnds in with my skin to much.
4) What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
I saw saw. You should see saw. Everyone who saw saw said they would see saw again. Alright maybee not, you should see saw.
5) What is/are your favorite TV show(s)?
Family guy and Simpsons. Actaully... anything that could rott your brain over extended periods of time i will watch. Ghostbusters and ninja turtles will always represent in my heart.
6) What did you have for breakfast?
It's like the old sayin goes."The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an
eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was '
7) Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?
The Mikes... I hate those malciosue russain/Japanese ass wipes. Oh, and Ghandi.
8) What inspires you?
people being inspired.
9) What is your middle name?
Danger or Blaine.
10) Beach, City or Country?
City... to much going on. I love it.
11) Favorite ice cream?
Rum raison becasue of the name but over all probably cookie doe. A little conventional but who can say no to cookies.
12) Butter, plain or salted popcorn?
Butter. i love it when you have to lick it off your fingers. Not really, but it soounds weird so i put it in.
13) Favorite color?
My favorite emotion.
14) What kind of car do you drive?
The night rider. Yea i named my car. Back off.
15) Favorite sandwich?
grilled cheese and turkey, or red wine vinegerett club from subway. Heaven in a sandwich.
16) What characteristic do you despise?
Well lets put it this way, as long as you have character... i wont despsise you. If i had to choose, i would say the non trust issues. They always manage to come arround and bite you in the ass.
17) Favorite flowers?
well as the old saing goes...mary golds. Pesky rabbit, gardens are for people with shot guns. If you didnt catch that joke it might have been becasue you didnt know that mary golds are suposed to keep rabbits out of your gardens. You also may have not caught that joke becasue it wasnt funny like one of the Mike's jokes.
(18) Where would you go on vacation?
Just another sunny day in California.
19) What color is your bathroom?
Green but thats not the paint...
20) Favorite brand of clothing?
Anti-fashion is still a fashion. Im not a brand guy. Whatever i feel like stealing from my brothers.
21) Where would you retire?
new york city baby.
22) Favorite day of the week?
Has to be saturday night. It's sunday mourning wich is the bitch.
23) What did you do for your last birthday?
I gyped on the gifts from my brothers and family. Is that specific enough for you you salt in the wound bastereds.
24) Where were you born?
In a mangor and/or beaumont hospital.
25) Favorite sport to watch?
Basketball. Everything else is just to slow.
28) Which detergent do you use?
Like the old sayin goes... what the hell is detergent.
29) Coke or Pepsi?
i do love coccaine but pep pills are all so grand. Pepsi
30) Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Depends on how you deifne the two. I love the mournings untill about four. Than i loathe waking up at around 3 in the afternoon. I dont see much of the mournings.
31) What is your shoe size?
Like the old sayin goes, I'm an eleven.
32) Do you have any pets?
Apollo, the pimpest dog in the world. By far cuter than Malcom. If you dont know what im talking about than be glad.
33) What is your favorite season?
Fall. Obviously for not obviouse reasons.
34) What time is it?
I love that commercial with the spongebob watches. 9:26
35) Nicknames?
Irish kid, Leperchaun, little devil, the fox, the jackal, red haired irsh kid, pisish, and big red. I promise ladies...i didnt make the last one up. Wink wink, but i do have a small shoe.
37) Number of candles on your last birthday cake?
Birthday cake...hahaha screw you
38) Kids?
Three that i know about, but i swear the fourth isnt mine. It doesnt even look like me. Jokes aside i do want three kids when im married. A guy first so he can look over the middle child the chick. I want the chick becasue i want complete hell in my life. And the third another guy. Some one to beat the crap out of. Post.Script. Dont worry i wont call her a chick.
39) Hair color?
Jet black
40) Piercing?
none that didnt hurt
41) Eyes?
Blue and some jack ass acually mae a bet with me saying my eyes were green. To easy young fella, to easy. Take'er easy. And ifshe's easy take'er twice.
42) How much do you love your job?
The sound of work makes me snore.
44) Favorite Food?
Probably the hardest question so far on this shindig of a quiz. Mexican, no no no wait italian, no no no wait mexican, no no no wait italian, etc, etc.
45) Been to Africa?
China but thats close enough.
46) Been toilet papering?
twice that the cops know about.
47) Have you ever been in love?
Lets put it this way. Love is for pansys and for people in love
48) Been in a car accident?
the night rider as well as the red demon have had there motorized bruises.
49). Croutons or bacon bits?
anything made from fried dead animals that were killed in a horrific way, I'm in.
50) Favorite saying or phrase?
Well as the old saying goes,"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh." The best i could do on short notice.
51) Favorite restaurant?
red lobster.
52) Favorite nonalcoholic drink?
guinness or killians. look up see blue is good to. I understood the question.
53) How many times did you fail your driver's test?
never. Im grade A 100% legal to drive when im 18
55) Do you sing in the shower?
Every damn chance i get. Post.Script. I also think alot in the shower. I dont know why.
56) Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
Probably gags and gifts.
57) What do you do most when you are bored?
follow the yellow brick road.
58) Bedtime?
when my mommy tucks me into bed.
59) Glass half empty or half full?
It would all depend on what is filling the glass.
60) If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
My crushes apartment.