^my favorite this week
so it was confirmed, yet again, at s.a.t. class that i think too much about my future
i'm the only person in the whole world that was stupid enough to take the s.a.t. as a sophomore
apparently i did really well though, for anyone not just a youngin'
i dont want to do these two essays right now
i'm sick of homework
i'm cold
i'm lonely
i really want to learn to surf right now
i just want to go to church and not have to get up at 5 30 tomorrow
i havent eaten since 9, thats like 7 hours
damn.... i forgot to take my afternoon medicine
blahhhh i should go eat, but i really dont feel like cooking or eating whatever my family is eating
i have to pee
i really feel like curling up in a blanket forever
this was the most uneventful weekend ever
i'm pretty much disgusted with it
kill me now
i just cant go to school for another week
i cant believe we are only 5 weeks into it
oy oyoyoyoyoyy
i need a vacation
i'm just restless - i need life/happiness/excitement/good
i need to get my permit this week
i neeeeeed to
okay ahhh blah i'm done
i'm bored of lj and i havent updated in like a million years
this is a ridiculous/useless entry
oh well
can you do this, pretty please?