Whew. I can breathe again.

Sep 27, 2007 12:10


Sorry I kinda fell of the face of the planet. Things have been...well...interesting to say the least. I'm new at this whole responsibility thing, and I've been trying to get a handle on it.

I'm trying to balance two studio art classes, two regular classes, bills, keeping my house clean, a sucky job at Arby's, keeping my boyfriend a happy boyfriend, and also mostly supporting said boyfriend.

Oh...and I'm also crazy.

Now, I honestly don't mind helping out boy for a while. I didn't want him living with his crazy mom, so don't get me wrong. I love him being here. I don't mind driving him to work and fun stuff and band stuff. I don't mind having to buy most of the food because he had to find a new job when he moved here (and Arby's has sucky pay/hours). In fact, I think he's kept me from going completely nuts.

So much stress. I honestly don't know how I could have managed without him here. The nervous breakdowns and freak out sessions still happen, but he makes them go away. :) I loves him so much. He helps me clean! Also, their band's new music video is up. It's not done, but you can see the base recording at http://www.myspace.com/thexplicits if you want. I'm so proud.

I'm coming home this weekend to see and love all of Melbourne. Peace!
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