This is my first post in the abbreviated December posting meme that I'm trying. Plenty of days open still on my calendar, so please feel free to
tell me what to talk about over here. Thanks!
For today,
heresluck asked for my favorite thing(s) about Sleepy Hollow.
Ha! How about everything? I love the way it manages to simultaneously go balls-out OTT ridiculous (Death, chained in an underground chamber, powerless thanks to 200+-year-old magicked Freemason symbols and UV glow lamps...and set free by an undead henchman smuggling in some ancient spell tablet *inside his body cavity*--y'know, like ya do) AND straightforwardly sell the action-adventure-character-based-mystery-drama. It's like, they are so far into Cracktastic Awesometown that there is nothing to do but go with it. For them OR for us.
And they are successful in selling all of that crack to us as their audience by grounding us in the following:
AWESOME CHARACTERS we love, who have or who develop
FANTASTIC CONNECTIONS with one another, in order to
WORK TOGETHER to figure out
WTF is going on with this mytharc stuff, OMFG??!!!!
So, yeah, Sleepy Hollow. I love it for ALL the Reasons!
And, I'll tell you what...they kind of had me at Revolutionary War era history mixed with Biblical Mysticism. I am generally a sucker for historical and cultural allusions. I mean, the show obviously plays fast and loose with historical events much in the way that Fringe played fast and loose with science. Which brings to mind...might we coin a fannish term for this use of history that would be the equivalent of "Skience"? "Whistory"? Or maybe borrow the K from "skience" and go with "Khistory"? I don't know. There are problems with both of those attempts, IMO. Perhaps "History" is a flexible enough term already. After all, it's no science.
In the absence of a recognizable term such as "Skience," I suppose I shall have to content myself with exclaiming "HESSIANS!" when I want to express my enthusiasm for the use of history on Sleepy Hollow. Lord knows "Thomas Jefferson designed a Magic Masonic Holding Cell for Death!" is too much of a mouthful.
tl;dr - What do I like about Sleepy Hollow? HESSIANS!
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