*blinks at the world*
I was awakened an hour before my alarm this morning by a blackout. Or possibly it was just a coincidence -- 8:30 a.m. is frequently my default waking-up-on-my-own time, but generally not when I've stayed up past 2:00 a.m. surfing the internet. What!? On Mondays and Tuesdays I don't start work until 11:30, so I can usually sleep in. Except I don't like to sleep when the electricity is out because it means I can't use my CPAP. (I think what woke me was the CPAP stopping this morning.)
So I got up and got ready for work and checked with my downstairs neighbor on the way out the door that it was indeed a wider blackout and not just something affecting my apartment. I came to work almost two hours early, acquired a large mocha with extra espresso and a giant chocolate muffin, and I've been sitting at my desk cruising Tumblr and DW/LJ on my personal laptop for more than an hour.
I would like to take a nap now, please. Instead, I will pack things up here in a few minutes and go gather up some work project stuff to take to my first reference desk shift. Man, I hope it's a quiet day so I can make progress on these projects!
Happy Tuesday to you all!
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