2004 book recs, please?

May 18, 2004 20:27

I am looking for a book to read in the next week so I can submit the title with a brief annotation for a summer reading publication at the library. It has to have been published in 2004. It should be well-known enough that my library may have multiple copies in the system (to meet potential demand from inclusion in the summer reading publication), but not so best-seller obvious that everyone's already heard of it and there's already a list a mile long for all the library copies. (I figure a book like that doesn't need my help to find readers.)

It was suggested to me that a light, accessible summer read might be appropriate (the suggester was my supervisor's supervisor, right after she "suggested" that I "volunteer" in the first place). Anyway, light and accessible (she used the word "fluffy" - note me not using the word "fluffy"*) are all well and good, but I'm most interested in making a good book recommendation. I'm trolling through new book lists checking out likely prospects, but if any of you people have recommendations for me, I'd love to hear them.

* "Who's Fluffy? Am *I* Fluffy?"

Edited to add: Here's my short list so far

McKillip, Patricia - Alphabet of Thorn
Mallon, Thomas - Bandbox
Nadel, Barbara - Belshazzar's Daughter
Crusie, Jennifer - Bet Me
Olson, Shannon - Children of God Go Bowling
Lackey, Mercedes - The Fairy Godmother
Kinsale, Laura - Shadow Heart


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