Draconta - Hatchling Tales (Drabble 3)

Jan 05, 2012 18:29

Title: Thunder and Lullabies 
Verse: Draconta
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Jazz, Prowl, Red Alert, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Bluestreak
Rating: K
Warnings: fluff

Author's Notes:
- Draconta is greek for dragon meaning 'to watch' as they were often portrayed as guarding things.
- The lullaby used for this is called Lullaby for a Stormy Night by Vienna Teng. NOTE: I changed one word so it would fit. ^.^
- During Christmas and New Year, my dogs and cats are always afraid of the loud noise the fireworks make, and this was born out of that.


These are some of the terms I’m using for this verse. Many are used for reptiles like the bearded dragon. (May add more in the future)
  • Gravid: Carrying young or eggs
  • Gravid Coloration: Birth markings found in gravid reptiles (some species develop bright red or orange pigmentation on the sides of their heads) 
  • Clutch: The amount of eggs laid at one time
  • Crest: formation on top of a reptiles head.
  • Vent: also known as cloaca is a slit on the underside of a reptile at the base of it’s tail which contains genitals, urinary and intestines.
  • Crepuscular: active during the evening and early morning hours. 
  • Diurnal: Active during the day. 
  • Nocturnal: Active at night.
  • Dorsal: Referring to the features on the back or along the spine of the animal.

Magic Terms (so far):
  • Illuminating Flame: A floating flame, which does not burn nor does it produce heat, merely provides light and the brightness can be controlled to which ever setting wished. 
  • Summoning: It’s like a subspace; a dimensional pouch all dragons have where they can carry provisions and other materials. 
  • Telepathy: Dragons can use telepathy to communicate, but this is stronger between families.



The weather seemed to turn hostile, looming over the world and the creatures it held safely in its bosom. The dark clouds were ominous, and already dragons and animals alike were gathering their young and sequestering themselves in their homes; deep in the earth, trees, and caverns.

The rumble of thunder and flashes of light signaling the coming storm seemed so peaceful being far away. But as the winds grew, the dark clouds coming closer and closer, and the rain began to fall, it became chaos.

The winds blew with such force that the trees swayed violently under its attack, the rain making the earth muddy and dangerous, thumping loudly on every surface, and waves formed in the rivers and underground caverns had to be evacuated for higher ground.

Lightning seemed to bounce off the mountain's side, causing rocks to fall as thunder clapped its approval at the destruction.

And in a small cavern up the mountain, a hatchling's eyes popped open in fear.

Little Red Alert woke to darkness, yet he was calmed by the warmth of his brothers sleeping around him, and of the steady beat of his carrier's heart right where his little head was laying on. Shaking himself, and confused as to the sudden reaction, the small hatchling burrowed his head into the warm fur with a little yawn, ready to fall back into peaceful slumber.

A second clap of thunder startled him, and he whimpered at the strange loud sound coming from outside the safety of his carrier's wing.

What was going on?

One of his brothers stirred, and Red Alert wanted to cry out to him, but another louder and longer clap of thunder froze him in place, little body trembling.

Bluestreak woke in a similar way to Red Alert, blinking away the sleep in his eyes, confused as to what had woken him. A small whimper had him turning to bump heads with his brother, but before he could enquire what was wrong, a loud 'boom' had him crying out in fear, and both fledglings huddled together, pawing at their carrier's side.

The twins had been sleeping deeply, ignorant of what was going on outside their dreams. Wether it was the cries of their younger brothers or the consecutive claps of thunder, both fledglings woke, immediately gaining two distressed hatchlings trying to bury themselves under their necks, searching for safety.

Sunstreaker licked at a shaking Red Alert's head, purring and cooing softly while Sideswipe tried to position himself in a more comfortable position, Bluestreak clinging on to him like a life line.

'Carrier?' Someone asked. The fledglings were still too young for words, but all dragons could communicate thoughts and images telepathically, specially those that were really close to each other.

'Not wake' Another answered.

Three consecutive ‘booms’, each louder than the other resounded over their heads, and now the twins joined in with their brothers' frightened cries.

What were those noises? Were they safe? What about their parents!?

Alarmed and scared, the four hatchlings pawed desperately at Prowl's side, but the white dragon would not budge. As another thunder clapped, they all bit into their carrier's side, desperate to see him and be reassured that everything was okay.


"OW!" Prowl jumped awake, feeling a sharp pain in his side.

"Urgh, Prowl? Baby what's wrong?" Jazz asked groggily, stretching with a loud yawn.

The red horned dragon summoned an illuminating flame, quickly lifting his wing as he realized the pain came from where his hatchlings where sleeping.

Folding his wing his eyes softened as he was met with four terrified fledglings, crying and wailing, their little bodies shaking as they tried to get closer to him and Jazz.

"Awww their frightened." Jazz leaned over, his snout nuzzling the small hatchlings.  "It's okay little ones, nothing is gonna happen ta ya."

"Oh boy." The black horned dragon exclaimed as a clap of thunder made the hatchlings' cries louder, completely ruining his attempts to calm them. He stood up from behind his mate, and laid so that the hatchlings were surrounded by them both, gently nuzzling them and crooning comfortably.

Prowl scooted closer to Jazz as well, shoulders almost touching and the fledglings crawling into the small circles they made with their paws.

"Shhh little ones. There is nothing to fe-" The mountain vibrated with the strength of the next thunder, making Prowl flinch.

Jazz looked at him quizzically, studying his nervous posture and fleeting eyes.


The red horned dragon jumped at another thunder clap and leaned down to lick at Sunstreaker and Bluestreak's heads, at the same time trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Oh baby, yer scared of thunder?" There was no teasing in his voice, only concern and even a hint of sorrow as he realized that Prowl must have spent similar storms alone and afraid in his cavern.

Prowl huffed, but refrained from answering, instead murmuring soothing words to the two hatchlings in his arms. Sunstreaker was shaking, little paws clinging onto his fur, head tucked in between them. Bluestreak was curled up in a little ball, trying to mimic the way Prowl put his wing over them, but not having enough strength to move his wings at will yet. The red horned dragon covered them with as much as his paws as he could, never stopping his cooing and sending soft trills.

"Prowler?" Jazz called again, the claws of his wings coming around him to hook together over the trembling hatchlings, his paws rubbing at their backs soothingly under the cover they provided.

Prowl sighed, reaching over to nuzzle his neck, not being able to hide the flinch at the next set of thunders that echoed through the mountain.

“It’s nothing, I just don’t like it. I makes me uneasy.” He explained purring as his mate licked him soothingly, before turning their attention back to their distressed hatchlings.

The fledglings buried their little heads in their parent's chests, trying to drown out the horrible sounds that seemed to pound right in their ears, the vibrations rocking their small bodies.

Prowl looked up at Jazz with worry after a while of failing at calming their distressed hatchlings. He didn't know what else they could do, and their shaking was starting to worry him. He could feel their little hearts beating frantically, far to fast for it to be healthy.

The mountain vibrated as lightning hit its side close to the cavern, small rocks bouncing off the ceiling.

The hatchling cried out, wailing and begging for the sounds to simply stop.

"Shhh shhh please clam down little ones." Prowl pleaded, licking Sunstreaker and Bluestreak with desperation. His own uneasiness coupled with his worry making him panic.

"Here let me try something." Jazz said softly, clearing his throat. He flared a wing and draped it over Prowl, motioning for him to lay his head under it, and brought the other one over himself, leaving the six of them covered by darkness. He summoned a small illuminating flame to a dim and soothing setting, laying his head facing Prowl, the fledglings half buried under their necks.

“What are you-?”

“Shh listen.” He said winking, and suddenly, he began to sing.

Little child, be not afraid
The rain pounds harsh against the ground
Like an unwanted stranger
There is no danger
I am here tonight

Little child
Be not afraid
Though thunder explodes
And lightning flash
Illuminates your tearstained face
I am here tonight

And someday you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
And forests and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you see
In the morning

Prowl listened entranced, his mate's singing beautiful and soothing. Closing his eyes, he let the words caress him into a light sleep together with his fledglings.

Little child
Be not afraid
The storm clouds mask your beloved moon
And its candlelight beams
Still keep pleasant dreams
I am here tonight

Little child
Be not afraid
The wind makes creatures of our trees
And the branches to hands
They're not real, understand
And I am here tonight

For you know, once even I
Was a little child
And I was afraid
But a gentle someone always came
To dry all my tears
Trade sweet sleep for fears
And to give a kiss goodnight

Well, now I am grown
And these days have shown
Rain's a part of how life goes
But it's dark and it's late
So I'll hold you and wait
'til your frightened eyes do close

The fledglings were deep asleep as Jazz finished his lullaby only small sniffles and hiccups leaving them; the darkness, warm light and their presence being enough to calm them. The blue eyed dragon chuckled seeing his mate half asleep as well, nuzzling his snout softly so as to not disturb their hatchlings.

Prowl smiled at him through half opened eyes.

“That was lovely. You should sing more often.” He whispered.

“For you guys, anytime.” He answered, laying his head down on a paw, watching over his family and singing softly until sleep claimed him as well.

Everything's fine in the morning
The rain will be gone in the morning
But I'll still be here in the morning



2012, 'series: draconta, writing

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