Work. Work is good and safe and the most viable option for distraction at this point in time. Ianto does not want to think about anything - about everything, about how he's ruined it, again, just like always - and so he throws himself fully into his work. There are requisition orders to be signed (though he is conscientious of the budget and
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Dr. Carter is actually the rare woman whose attention is not captured by Jack Harkness because she's attracted to him. Oh, he's good looking and all, but there happens to be a Mr. Carter, and she's not easily distracted from her husband. She's pleasant but professional as she goes about taking the blood sample from Jack, still humming just a bit to herself as she does so. She carefully labels the second phial, then places a brightly-colored sticking plaster on Jack's arm as well (she's just a little eccentric that way; had plans of being a pediatrician before Torchwood roped her in ... careful, she might hand out lollipops next).
"There we go, then. We should have the results shortly. As soon as they're in, we'll be able to let you out of here." Or not, but Dr. Carter doesn't mention the alternative - it's a bit early to be worrying them like that, yet. Apparently she's considerably more scrupulous than her colleague. "Oh, looks like the coffee's here," she notes, nodding to the girl who pokes her head in the door just long enough to deposit a tray on the table nearby. "If you need anything, gentlemen, just page."
Ianto retrieves the tray after the doctor exits the room, and moves back over to the table. "So, now we wait," he notes, not sounding particularly enthusiastic about being in the dark as to the results. He occupies himself with pouring the coffee, to distract from his thoughts.
For once - well, it seems to be the norm as of late - Jack doesn't attempt in any particular fashion to charm the pants off the good doctor. It might be the continued fallout from his time aboard the Valiant, it might be the fact that Dr. Carter has a needle in his arm; either way, Jack doesn't seem particularly interested in flirting and therefore isn't that shocked when she decidedly doesn't fall into a romance novel-worthy swoon. In fact, he's mostly interested in the brightly-colored sticking plaster now attached to the inside crease of his elbow. Pink. How appropriate.
"Thanks, doc," Jack replies, mostly to the closing door on Carter's way out, and turns his attention to the coffee Ianto is attempting to distract himself (Jack can tell) by pouring. He slides his hands into his pockets and tries to affect a casual pose with one sleeve still rolled up. "Don't think of it as waiting," he suggests, leaning a shoulder against the wall, perhaps a little too close for immediate comfort where Ianto is preparing coffee. "Long lunch in with Captain Harkness. We can go over my monthly evaluation, if want. Or the financial reports. You can yell at me about my team continually hitting the red and how we're not budgeted for things like dinner at posh restaurants." Jack might even be joking.
Two hours, a pot of coffee, and several pastries later, Dr. Toshiko Sato enters the room - notably lacking the containment gear of her earlier comrade, and carrying a folder with apparent results inside. She smiles uncertainly at Jack and Ianto, glancing back and forth between the two of them, maintaining momentary silence as if preparing to break bad news ...
Then laughs just a little. "Nothing serious," she informs them cheerily. "Ianto, all your results look normal. Jack, there were some minor indiscrepancies, but I've never done any tests on you with your ... condition in mind." She steps delicately around the subject of Jack's apparent immortality. "I think you should be fine. You're both free to go."
'Condition' ... is an interesting way of phrasing it, Jack supposes, and as tactful as he could have ever anticipated from Toshiko. He grins, as easily as if he hadn't spent the last two hours in a confined space with his ex-boyfriend attempting to make pleasant conversation over coffee and pastries while coming to the spectacular conclusion that he really fails to fathom anything beneath the carefully surface kept surface of Ianto Jones. "Fantastic!" Jack declares, throwing an arm around Tosh's shoulders to give her a quick squeeze of a hug (almost as if he's testing the viability of her findings).
"I can get a copy of the final report, right?" Because 'minor indiscrepancies' piques his curiosity, but he's a bit too stir-crazy to actually consider asking about them at the moment.
Although he's hardly actually surprised by the news, Ianto is pleased and somewhat relieved to hear it. He gets to his feet, rolling his sleeves down and reaching for his jacket. "It's not anything as a result of the device, is it?" he asks. "I mean - Jack's test result." What? Just because they're not together anymore doesn't mean he can't be ... concerned for his (former) lover's well-being.
"I'll get you a full copy of the report," Tosh answers Jack, patting his arm in reassurance. "I don't think it's anything to be worried about, just a few abnormalities." There, she's gone about answering both Jack and Ianto's questions all in one go. "But - if either of you start to feel strange or in any way different, you will let me know, won't you? You're out of quarantine, but I still want to keep an eye on you."
"Yes, Dr. Sato," Jack replies cheerfully, leaning in to plant a friendly bit of a kiss against her hair. "We'll come see you if there's any change whatsoever. Or at least I will. God knows I don't want any space plagues or anything. - And thanks for the save, Tosh. Don't know what we'd have done without you."
Relinquishing Toshiko, Jack heads out of the lab with a simple, yet indicative, nod to Ianto - just a very subtle goodbye.
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