(no subject)

Apr 28, 2005 21:03

Some things to take care of

If you pop your collar, and you're not Mike Skinner, you're lame. Mike Skinner was the first one to pop the collar, and everyone else was like OMG LEMME TRY, but no one else can pull it off. The fad grew, and now every idiot poser in the world pops their collar. Congratulations, you just identified yourself as dumb.

I cannot believe that CHS might go to 7 classes a day next year. I am not joking when I say that I will protest this. I will do anything to prevent it because I for one, am not going to be doing homework every day until 1 AM. Thank you Mr. Walrus, you stupid ignoramus. You bring in a smashed car, and picnic tables, but we don't have modern computers.
Let me get this straight, you get paid thousands of dollars to run this school, but if you were really looking out for us, you would obviously help out our football team, or the band, or the athletic department as a whole, or the art department, or anything. But no, you buy a breathalyzer. So in short, I hate you and I want you fired.

Band trip tomorrow.
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