Nov 20, 2004 18:38
20th of November is on date most southern men look forward too. First offical day of rabbit season. Because I didn't get anything last year and had to pass up a perfect shot at this same place I was allowed to take the first rabbit. Good Ole' Giddy Up told me "now if u see that fucking rabbit throw up ur gun and shoot his ass." Giddy up has the most colorful language than any1 else. Anywayz woke up at 6 got outta bed at 6 15 and left the house at 6 30 then met up with Giddy up and a buddy of his (Kurt) on the back side of Niggertown (thats where NC-16 and 85 meet) We drove about an hour or so up to Albemarel and ate breakfast. Then drove another 2 mile down the road to go to the field. About an hour into it it was about 9 30 and we alrdy spotted this big punk ass monster of a rabbit. I mean this thing was big. compare it to a labador puppy at 6 months. My dad took a shot and hit him but we thought he missed. Turns out later that he hit every rabbit he shot but was using a smaller shot. that means it was like shooting rice at the bastard. Anyways when i was watching the lower end a rabbit shot across the 10 foot wide path in 2 hops and i didn't have time to throw my shotgun up. so i called the dogs over they chased one rabbits ass for a good while and i was on the left side of the thicket. The bastard run out the lower end and i threw my gun up and blasted his ass (literally!) broke his back legs and guess his back cuz he wasn't movin up still alive. so i stomped his head and killed him. Next one was Kurt's. He jumped it himself and shot it. Then Raven got one after he shot my dad shot and he shot again. next the dogs jumped another and stayed on him. they yelled at me that he was comin my way so i shoulderd my gun. Raven was behind me and shot at him so he came running 5 foot by my side so i ran for about 10 feet along side him then stopped aimed and shot right in front of his hind legs. Found out later while guttin' him my shot exploded his kidneys and there was blood everything. Anywayz i looked at the ground and there was fur all over the ground and left a 2 foot bare patch of dirt. i aimed a little low but i got him. He was still living while we showed and let the dogs sniff him. so Giddy Up was showing me how to kill it quick. he grabbed it by its hind legs and since it was pullin its head up to look he turned it around and judo chopped it at the base of its head. killed it instantly cuz it broke its neck. The break down of kills goes like this
Me-2 Raven-1 Giddy up-1 Kurt-1 My dad-0 it was a good day considering it was my first hunt since february and my first kills. also i only fired twice and killed 2 so i am 100% accurate next weekend i mtie go again but not sure