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Hello those of you who read my journal. And salutations and stuff like that.
It’s been quite a long time since I dusted off the journal, so I figured I’d do a quick fill-in.
First: I’ll try to update more, I promise. I actually have something important to post in my journal now, so keep watching. See Second for more information.
Second: Second involves Second Life. Reno, my SL partner in crime and I have re-established Fursona Studios, an avatar design studio specializing in Furry Avatars. We even have an artist who officially signed on with us today, woot woot! Keep a watch on SL for us ^^
Third: The Movie 300. Definitely worth seeing. Oh mah gawd, so much hot sweaty man-flesh *drools*
Fourth: The new TMNT movie is halfway decent, I was expecting it to be crap and while some of the parts of it are pretty cheezy, I kinda liked it. There’s a few holes in the story, but whatever, it’s obvious they’re trying to make an excuse to revive the series for more TV spots. Go see it on a matinee if you’re a Turtles fan. I promise you there’s no Vanilla Ice.
Anyway, thats all for now, keep watching. Much <3