#1 i was sitting on st marks place yesterday, eating sushi, and a mad walked by, looked like a perfectly normal buisness man, and he leaned over real quick and whispered "jesus loves you" in my ear, then, kept walking. i'm not sure what it made me feel, but the point is, it made me FEEL. i just dont know exactly what it was. though, i do know whatever it was, it was in my heart. i liked it, i liked it a lot. i was contemplating doing that to someone i walked by, just because it'd be so awesome to duplicate the feeling that man gave me, for someone else. i didnt, i'm too shy. whatever.
#2 i got a tattoo on my hip. jamie got a matching one, we're mad cute.
#3 i'm getting the other side done tomorrow. i wont say what it is of until i have pictures. anyone that knows, dont say... or else you're a faggot and i'll kill you.
#4 saw the locust, daughters and chinese stars tonight, it was rad.
#5 jamie met a really cute girl at the show, i'm mad jealous.