What is it with birds this week?!

May 12, 2006 22:19

Firstly, behold Avie #4- Mr. "I Love Her But Can't Be With Her" Kureno Sohma. Despite the cheery avie ("What? Rooster-san smiling?!") yet another bird that's made me sad this week. (More on that below...)

I must say, I always hate the week before finals. Capital "H" hate. Unfortunately, this semester, my misery has a theme.

Birds, those little winged chirpy creatures that usually make me happy. For some reason, they decided to gang up on me. No kidding!

Instance #1- Being an English major, I'm used to facing Term Papers of DOOM on a regular basis. This semester, my only English class was Chaucer. So far, so good, right? That means only one major paper. I chose to cover the story about Chanticleer the rooster and the fox (Nun's Priest Tale). As one can tell by Kureno sitting pretty on the icon, roosters were on my good side. Until Monday night. Until I got the worst case of Writer's Block, Term Paper Style that this soul has ever endured. I couldn't put down the words that I wanted to, even though the handy outline was right before me! That was an ugly, ugly night.

Instance #2- Yesterday (Thursday) afternoon- I leave work to pick Beloved Mother up from her work. I'm almost there, when two birds decide to cross the road in front of me. Let's say one made it across OK...The other one almost went back the way it came...then changed its mind. Oh, the trauma! I was sniffling all the way home- felt so bad, 'cause its mate was right there and it fluttered and... WAH!

Then, in between that, re-read Furuba #13 (That Chapter 75... why, Kureno, why?!) Yes, what a week it was. What did I do to deserve it? Hopefully, reading some Furuba fanfic will make me feel better.

-Renee, avoiding chicken until further notice.
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