Epiphanies / Hard to Believe

Jul 10, 2008 09:43

I'm feeling a bit nuts today.  I feel guilty because I've been slacking and I don't feel guilty.... Does that even make sense?

I have been reading a book called "Hard to Believe"  .. It's really a great book. Life changing actually. (Or it would be if you were a Christian anyway).  It has given me many epiphanies.

Before I get to the epiphany, I want to tell you something.  I've been reading this book like mad.  I've been going to church .. thinking about my relationship with God.  But I haven't been praying much.  I need to do that.  It's just that well ... Do I feel too guilty about not feeling guilty to pray?  I'm confused again.

Epiphany One:  Jesus fed the masses.  Then people started following him around.  So Jesus says in John 6: "Most assuredly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw the signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled."  (They just wanted more food)

Jesus didn't continue to try to attract people with big miracles (think of all he could have done to draw people to him!)  But instead Jesus spoke in parables, making his message more difficult and hid the truth from his listeners.  Why?  Because he had confidence in God's sovereignty.

So I'm thinking about how this should be a model for the church.  Not drawing people in with a cool band and entertaining emotional sermons but just by the truth of God's Word. Either you are drawn to Christianity for it's raw power or you are not.  Attracting people with "coolness" won't attract people who are interested in changing their life to be followers of Christ.  it will attract people who want entertainment.  If you want entertainment, go to a concert!

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