Ramblings June 12th

Jun 12, 2008 14:40

So last night was great.  I went to Bible study.  It was the first night of the women's summer Bible study and I was so excited.  I just joined this church recently and I'm not very involved with things and would like to have more friends there. 
I think for the first time in my life I felt a little immature.  That's a good thing.  I always feel more mature than my friends and at times I would like to have someone more experienced than me for a change.  But most of them had little kids and were being some serious birth control!  Hearing them talk about their whining kids and not knowing what to do, I began to wonder if I would be like that too.  I have always been very tough, but will becoming a mother change me?  Will I become unsure of myself and distant from my husband?  These thoughts make me happy to put off child bearing for a few more years.

You know, my parents did not center their lives around me.  They cared about me but I had to brush my own hair and clean my own room...  I had to entertain myself.  I'm not so sure I understand parents who don't let their children learn responsibility and how to make decisions because they do everything for them.  Maybe being a parent will change my opinions as I learn what it's really like.

Back to last night ... I went to see Jocelyn and her new apartment.  Seeing her and her fiance just starting out makes me want to do everything I can to help them get settled in.  It's so hard when you haven't had time to accumulate lots of "stuff".  I have thought about painting them pictures and buying lamps.   I know they will be more than fine shortly.  She'll be done with school.  He will be done with school and he'll be a captain in the army.  I just have an uncontrollable urge to help people if I see them in need of anything.

I also went to Buffalo Wild Wings and saw Adrienne and Mandy and a bunch of other folks I've seen hanging around them before.  It was fun to hang out and talk about stuff that's not serious for a while.

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