okay so yesterday I went to William's house and haha that was wicked fun, but I mean obviously because it always is =) then that night went over to Abi's house and slept over there.. and then this morning like early lol went to Water Country with Willie, Bradon and Abi. that was great lol and tonight sleeping over Abigail's again and in the morning Willie and Kevin are coming to jump on us and wake us up around like 9 lol cause we're lazy and gonna be asleep and yeah they are coming over and we're making a fort in the back yard and holy wow this ought to be fun =] can't wait!! and yeah tomorrow is my brother's birthday ( ohh fun = / ) but yeah I think Abi's sleeping over tomorrow.. this weekend is Willie's bike race. and hopefully I can go lol he's gonna call my mom and ask her cause we'll be camping up in stratton maine too. that'll be awesome dude.
Type the given catagory into google search pictures and post an image that comes up.
Your first name: [ Alexandra ]
Your middle name: [ Renee ]
Your last name: [ Mason ]
Your birthday: [ December 9, 1990 ]
Your favorite colors: [ Teal/Hot Pink ]
Your favorite fruit: [ Raspberries ]
Your favorite animal: [ Tiger ]
Your favorite teacher ever: [ Mr. Genovese ]
Your best friend's nickname: [ Abi ]
The one you love: [ Willie ]
^^ wow that almost is as cute as my willie