About "La tourneuse de pages" and Marcel Proust

Aug 04, 2009 19:40

Watched a fabulous French psychological thriller this weekend. La tourneuse de pages" (The Page Turner) about the vengeance of a very talented girl who's refused for the conservatory due to the fact that one of the committee members (a famous female pianist) distracts her and she starts missing notes. Amazing how a director can make a movie in which there's very little dialogue but the (permanent) suspense is essentially created by gestures and vague facial expressions. I was totally fascinated, and as in awe as when I watched "Il y a longtemps que je t'aime".

I'm reading Marcel Prousts "A la recherche du temps perdu" at the moment and loving it. It's been a while but my love for French literature is completely back. These passed years I've "traded" it somewhat for English literature, but thanks to Proust I'm totally enchanted again. La plus belle langue du monde! :) The French Proust uses is so beautiful, so perfect and refined and at the same time very transparent. The descriptions are amazing and the dialogues delightful. I can sense the atmosphere so well, see every space and its objects, hear the voices, smell the scents even. Just amazing, and I wonder why I waited so long.

Wish I had more time to review the books I read and movies I watch but I haven't, not at the moment. Too much work. :(

books, movies

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