Movies I've recently watched, books I've recently read

Jun 22, 2009 13:32

No reviews, just stars...

Confessions of a Shopaholic **** out of ten.
An occasional laugh and gorgeous fashion, but all in all a perfect example of over-acting and copying of older but much better romantic comedies such as Sex & The City and The Devil Wears Prada. Most original idea: the winking and gesticulating mannequins in the shop windows to induce our heroine to buy...

Rachel Getting Married ******* out of ten
Very good story, perfect acting, but awful camera work. The use of shoulder camera is intentional to make the family gathering look more natural, but I hate it. Makes me feel dizzy. Anne Hathaway is a great acting talent.

Religulous **********
Very interesting documentary by American talk show host and comedian Bill Maher about religion in which he shows the arrogance, intolerance and contempt of smaller and larger groups of believers (for whom belief is synonymous with fact) towards those who think differently, and who feel the need to impose their often hate mongering ideas upon others. I was as amused as I was appalled.

On my 'to see' list:

- Happy Go Lucky
- Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona
- Sunshine Cleaning

Robin Kaye - Too Hot to Handle ********
For the lovers of romance a wonderful new novel - and sequel to "Romeo, Romeo" that recently won an award - by a dear friend from across the Atlantic Ocean. Good plot, great characters and lovely humor set in the greatest city of the US, New York. I can't wait for the next sequel featuring Becca and Ritch. I wholeheartedly recommend it, but watch out... it's hot, almost too hot to handle. ;)

Currently reading (yes, all at the same time LOL):

Doris Lessing - The Golden Notebook
Anna Enquist - Contrapunt
Marcel Proust - Du côté de chez Swann

books, movies

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