Jan 23, 2006 23:35
i am the force! ok maybe im being a little bold with that but i am the GM of my groups Star Wars role playing game, so im like the mall santa of the force makeing sure everyone is being good little spacers and now straying to the dark side. Right now thats one of the most exciting things goin on right now, I just started back to school and i think this is goin to be one of my faviorate semesters. Im particularly interested in my "Rules of Criminal Evidence" class, the teacher is a public defender for St. Charles county. He so far has had some pretty interesting cases to share with us. My other classes are going well also. But this just in on the Ren Faire front i was cast as "La Chataignerie" and the draft of the script ive seen has my just itching to play this part.
Oh and also: The problem with LJ: we all think we are so close, but really we know nothing about each other. So I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about. Ask away.
This should be fun.