Apr 23, 2007 16:05
So I spent the weekend in New York for Mom's makeup birthday thing. I left work early on Friday to catch a plane out of Midway. On my way there, I get a text from Jenny saying that she's in Dulles sitting next to Sissy Spacek. We rolled into New Jersey at about 9:30pm, ate and caught up for a bit. Then came one of the worst nights of my life. The sleeping arrangement in my grandmother's apartment was Jenny in her room in a sleeping bag, my folks on the pullout bed in the living room, with me in a sleeping bag in there. I got maybe a half hour's sleep with all their snoring. It was awful. It wasn't even like it was just that droning snore, oh no. They thought they were in some sort of somnorific Carnegie Hall. That shit had musical movements. Like staccatos. Crescendos. There were crescendos! They even drowned out the MP3 player I had put on halfway through the night. And you've got some epic snoring going on if you're drowning out Anthrax.
Around 9am I got fed up and went for a walk, and by the time I came back everyone was awake and, more importantly, not snoring. We took our time and decided what the plan was for the day. We decided on going to the Museum of the City of New York, and then the Met (my favorite place in the whole city) before seeing Les Miserables. The MCNY wasn't too impressive; it's more for people who are in NYC for the first time (although if you're in NYC for the first time, why go to the MCNY?), but the Met was great as always. They had a great exhibit about the art of Barcelona, so there were a lot of pieces by Picasso and Dali. We then had dinner near the theatre, which was subpar, and then some random member of the 501st was walking around so I got a picture. The play itself was awesome, I'm glad I finally saw it. The guys that played Valjean and Javert were killer. I just wished they hadn't made Mme. Thernadier cockney. I hate when they make Mme. Thernadier cockney. Once we got back to NJ I figured out the sleep conundrum by moving the sleeping bag to the kitchen where the fridge (just about) drowned out the snoring. Granted, I could have just smothered them, but that would have been rude.
Sunday was my cousin's confirmation in Rye. The mass was about an hour and a half, which is a long time to wonder if the place is going collapse about you in a giant fireball. Luckily that didn't happen. Afterward we went a very nice Pan-Asian cuisine restaurant and went back to NJ exhausted.
Today I woke up at 4:15 est to catch my flight back home. I flew in, went home, showered, and then went to work. All I'm going to do the rest of the day is watch Day of the Dead and go to sleep. Big day tomorrow.