Original Ion, being the only one who has a natural ability to master all Daathic Fonic Artes, is also the master of the Curse Arte.
In a direct branch from normal fonic artes, Daathic Fonic Artes were born. A Daathic Fonic Arte is simply a curse arte, used against an enemy in order to possibly incapacitate, control, or otherwise put them at a disadvantage for a longer period of time than a normal arte. These techniques can vary from sealing a person's artes, lowering their defensive or offensive powers, knocking them out, or even indirectly controlling their actions.
One such arte that can control the actions of a person somewhat is known as a curse slot. This is actually the applying of a special fon slot to the body, usually on the arm. To apply it, one must carve the corresponding array directly to the skin. Depending on the array, it may be seen for what it is or simply as an injury. Either way, a curse slot is extremely difficult to remove. Once it has been placed on a person, the most common effect it has is to remove all inhibition and amplify the memories of the affected in a way that would make them attack even a comrade. For example, should one of your comrades have born a former grudge towards you, than the slot would amplify that memory and the loss of inhibition may lead them to attack you.
I admit my knowledge on curse artes is very limited, so you must forgive me. It is an obscure branch of fonic artes that I have not fully studied...
Source -
Second sourceI can't tell if that fanfic is true or not. College eats up my time to understand it. I still find it fascinating anyway and I'm going to ask a friend of mine to read when we both have time since fonology is really complicated as it looks.
Differences between Sync, Florian, Ion the 7th, and Ion the Original and curse effects
Sync naturally doesn't have the Fon Master's powers. While he was physically stable, as the fifth replica he never had the powers thus why he was thrown into the volcano. Because he was physically strong however like the original Ion, he was able to grab hold and pretend to fall while Florian and the other replicas fell to the bottom.
Sync basically only has a fraction of his powers, a glyph that was put on by Master Van made good enough to use a fraction of his abilities. While Sync was able to place a curse seal on Guy in canon and can take it off with will - because of the fraction of his power compared to the Original Ion/7th Ion/Florian in terms of power.
Basically, a curse slot placed on Sync by the Original will cripple him and make him unable to remove it himself. Because Sync doesn't have it in his power to use that power since it's only a fraction.
Basically in terms of power:
Sync / 5 = Good Motorskills, lacking frequency.
Florian / 6 = Perfect Frequency, lacking motor skills.
Ion / 7 = All of the above.
Even then however, the 7th Ion couldn't use the power of the Original Ion, as stated in game by Grand Maestro Mohs.
In other words, original Ion can remove any Curse Fon Slot without effort.
I usually warn the players in advance before I decide to cast a Curse fon slot on their characters.
Even if it's temporary, do know what the curse status entails and be prepared for the consequences like vulnerability to attacks and etc.
- Your character cannot cast artes.
- Your characters feelings and logic will be affected. Removes all inhibition and amplify the memories usually negative.
- Gives Ion an certain amount of control over your character's movements and abilities such that of a puppet. Ion probably rarely does this unless there's a good reason. He usually let a person's destructive negative emotions do the rest.
- Lowering their defensive or offensive powers.
- Only a Fon Master or those who knows Daathic Artes more or less can remove the Cursed Fon Slot. In the game Ion the 7th removes it from Guy however, it took a whole day when he done so. That's how stubborn a curse can be.
- Sync does not have the ability to remove the curse unless in some awesome AU he might. Florian probably might be able to, but he must know Daathic artes or exception to this rule is an AU.
- Being the Original, Ion's curse is more efficient and difficult to remove and if it's up to the Ion the 7th, he'll be able to remove it in 2-5 days.
- When you have enough, contact me here or through PM, and we'll arrange a plot in how to remove it.