Title: Reality Sets In (Part III) Author: rendrag45 Rating: PG Summary: What Zach and Shaun discover at the hospital when they go to visit Jeanne in Portland. Disclaimer: All characters belong to movie Shelter.
I was so so happy when I saw this up date, and then, then...well, you know, and know I'm like yayayayayay all over the room, smiling like a damn silly school girl, all happy and swooning!!!
THAAAAAAAAAAAANK YOU, baby!! You sure are the sweetest!!!
I loved this chapter. Beautifully written!! I like Sam so so much. What a great guy!! I wish he had kicked that jerk of Allan. I can't stand men like those...so fucking coward. So I'm glad Jeannie had Sam and "Tammy" (happy sigh) by her side. I really hope she can spend more time with him, cause I think that maybe he's gonna make her a better person.
Damn girl, you made me cry with that bit where Zach was talking to her. I mean, she started to wake up when she heard his voice, because in spite of everything she loves her brother...She's ready to fight just for him, just because she listened to that sweet voice. That's moving, Alice, very gorgeous thing.
Thank you for this awesome chapter. I can't wait to read more.
I was so so happy when I saw this up date, and then, then...well, you know, and know I'm like yayayayayay all over the room, smiling like a damn silly school girl, all happy and swooning!!!
THAAAAAAAAAAAANK YOU, baby!! You sure are the sweetest!!!
I loved this chapter. Beautifully written!! I like Sam so so much. What a great guy!! I wish he had kicked that jerk of Allan. I can't stand men like those...so fucking coward. So I'm glad Jeannie had Sam and "Tammy" (happy sigh) by her side. I really hope she can spend more time with him, cause I think that maybe he's gonna make her a better person.
Damn girl, you made me cry with that bit where Zach was talking to her. I mean, she started to wake up when she heard his voice, because in spite of everything she loves her brother...She's ready to fight just for him, just because she listened to that sweet voice. That's moving, Alice, very gorgeous thing.
Thank you for this awesome chapter. I can't wait to read more.
Lots of love and big hugs.
I wish you would try writing. Give eit some thought!
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