day 1 of finals

Jan 15, 2009 16:59

today was global culture and studies finals.  CH went over everything with us before hand, so it wasn't hard, but the essays killed me.  i mean, i'm sure i'll get a good grade but writing them by hand was a pain.  halfway through, hand cramp. but after that was done we watched the end of Kenneth Branag's Hamlet.  <3  before that, Fc said we had to stay till 2 for the
we had to stay till 2 for the study period, that we're seniors, no we don't have other plans.  lukily, PT, mr headmaster, came down and said no.  so Tc, Tm, and i got to go down and eat at zpizza and then get yogurt and menchey's (how do you spell it?).  OMG yum.  it was so peaceful, especially after having finals.  unfortunately Kk couldn't go, b/c of the "winds" she said, but she went out with her grandma instead.  thats ok i guess.
i got a chocolate, chocolate raspberry, white chocolate macadamia, and pistachio.  and on top i had heath, chocolate mint, cheese cake, cookie, and some others that i must be forgetting.  and it was only $5.80!  it may sound like a lot for yogurt, but i had a ton >__<;;  for pizza, we had a large, half greek (greek olives, onions, feta cheese) and half mushroom with three kinds of mushroom!  and drinks.  all in all, i spent about $15 on food today.  but it was worth it.
after that we walked to ala moana, but when we got there, Tm's dad was waiting ;__:.  so she had to go.  Tc and i went to cash her cheque at the bank, and on the way we saw this person, but we didn't know if it was a girl or boy.  it had a haircut that would be short for a girl or long for a boy, a white shirt with big pink roses printed, and light jeans.  quite stylish.  but we wanted to know which it was, and when we walked by, turns out he was a boy.  with a better body than either of us, especially me.  we went back to alaz, and i saw this person dressed all in purple, even the boots.  i was so shocked i said purple!  Tc thought i had a hair in my mouth.  it was quite funny.
Tc and i get along well.  she says i would get along with her friends from another school.  i think i would like to meet them, even though those situations make me nervous.  i think i might fit in a bit better there.
then i got picked up by mom and we went to costco.
when we got home she said Tm had called and that school was canceled for tmr.  i had to call FC to make sure, and sure enough... i'm very happy.  i can stay up late and have fun.

kk, finals, ch, tc, ala moana, yogurt, mom, pizza, school, food, fc, tm

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