May 11, 2005 17:13
Back about 2-3 years ago, myself along with some of my friends started a little thing we did on weekends called Arnold Night. Quite self-explanatory, but for those of you unaware of this, we would rent an Arnold Schwarzenegger film and critique it to the best of our abilities ( in other words, laugh our asses off when he talks ). The climax of Arnold night was the release of Terminator 3, which was very coincidental that it happened to start a buzz halfway through our Arnold night. Finally, the premier of T3 set forth in June of 2003. After that night, we havent watched an Arnold movie with those who were there from day one. Now, I want to resurrect Arnold from the depths of retirement and make him the cult classic icon he worked very damn hard to be! Those who would like, are welcome to join. Until then, I will be taking requests of Arnold movies to watch. I will make some sort of club out of this because someone has to dammit....Now get to the chopper!!!!!!
Q of the day:
Q: If Arnold made a zombie movie and needed a coo-ky partner to help him fight these monsters, who would you cast as his supporting actor?
A: Vince Vaughn ( for super big laughs ) B: Sammy Sosa ( for purpose of subtitles ) C: Jimmy Fallon ( So Arnold can ram his into his stomach and rip out his goddam spine ) D: Vin Diesl ( 2 bad actors reading right off the cue-cards )