election day

Oct 19, 2008 23:12

Two things that kill a party: Religion and politics. Well, God willing, we're having an election party.

On November 4, 2008, the House of Wax is hosting our first real honest-to-Betsy party after two years of living here. It's a Tuesday, which is a bummer, but it's election day which gives the excuse: We'll either want to drink, or need to, by the end of the night. :) So, may as well start early with friends and go from there.

Since it's a work day there's no theme, but there is one requirement: You must have voted, or have a damn good reason not to. Or, lie to me, but please be convincing. And respectful--not everyone is voting the same way, even among our screamingly liberal crew. Like said, no theme, but if you come dressed in nothing but an American flag you score extra points (with me at least, but I'm a lech). Bring whoever you like.

WTF is the House of Wax? It's the home of J Kovach, Trevor Schrock, and Peg Brewer. We live in north Shoreline:

502 NW 195th St. Shoreline, WA 98177

It's a red corner house just past Einstein Middle School. There's tons of parking in our drive and along the streets. Though we'll clean up a lot, we do have a dog and a cat roaming the house, so allergic people take note.

Party on at 6pm, but come any time that night.
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