May 23, 2006 21:07

Happy things that make my day happy.

#1. I found 5 dollars in my room
#2. Jayden- "No, I didn't lie to my teacher, I didn't kick the other kid."
Jayden's mom- "Jayden I know you did it."
Jayden- "yeah I did it, but kids are stupid."
Jayden's mom- "Jayden, why did you lie?"
Jayden- "See... my head said yes but my mouth said no."

ps. Jayden is 6 and very amusing

#3. I open on Friday allllllllll by myself and I have NEVER opened or been shown how to open before. I have opening instructions on debit paper :P muaahhahahah so amusing.

#4 Musical is tomorrow... and Saturday. I plan on attending both.

#5 I saw Taryn, Jessica and Jill today. VERY special.

#6. Im going clothing shopping tomorrow. Nice.! :D

#7. I have nothing to do but this. I like non busy days, which I have had many of lately.

#8. I played skip bo and ate popcorn without bleeding. (not that popcorn would make you bleed.)
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