A Late Night Robin Hood Review...Um...What???

Jun 07, 2009 01:24

Having watched Robin Hood tonight I'm left with an empty, confused feeling. What the hell was that??? Was it Robin Hood or a medieval soap opera? Are you kidding me with all this family relations crap? I mean, it was like watching the actors perform bad fanfiction. Not to mention exactly how many previously established facts they trampled over in the process. To sum up...Excessive cheese, massive inconsistencies and confusing plot points. What are you doing show??? Are you trying to get yourself canceled??? And after last week's brilliance this was an extreme disappointment.

So now I have to go back and watch the first few episodes to determine if Guy and Robin acted at all like they knew each other. I could swear that they didn't. Not to mention I thought Robin's father died while he was away (or maybe I'm remembering the Kevin Costner movie here). Guy has said all along that he grew up in France so what the heck was he doing in Nottingham? And Guy sold Isabella supposedly when she was 13 and she looked around that age in these flashbacks. Also...Robin didn't know Isabella earlier in the series and seemed genuinely shocked that Guy had a sister at all, so how do the writers explain that one. All that, "Why didn't you tell me he was your brother?" Well geez Robin, if you grew up with them then you had to have known that Guy had a sister named Isabella, so what were you so shocked about? One thing I am truly grateful for is that they did not end up brothers. At least we were spared that bit of melodrama. Both of them having a common half-brother is almost believable...almost.

And up until now we've all thought that the only reason they hated each other so deeply was because of Marion. Robin does finally step up and say that he can't forgive Guy because of Marion so that's one canon truth they at least stuck to. But there still, Robin says that Guy showed no remorse over killing her. How can he say that? He could clearly see what a wreck Guy was after Marion's death. And he even told Robin to kill him, to end the suffering, going so far as to say, "I live in hell." I believe all that constitutes remorse. I do like how Guy was the better person here, offering Robin his hand and suggesting they go on to York. I don't know if Robin could have done it, he's too deep in that 'you killed Marion' mindset.

So who the heck is this Archer person and will he end up replacing Robin since Jonas is leaving? I'm sure next week's episode will be interesting if only to see Guy interacting with Robin's gang. I don't think he'll be readily accepted. And what about the sheriff? I'm starting to think that maybe he really is dead. Of course he'll probably show up in the last episode and pull some plot twist that no one is expecting.

Overall, I thoroughly hated this episode barring the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes, everything else was utter crap. I do hope that it gets better before the final episode. Also, was it just me or did it seem like they added more Guy clips into the opening credits? Seemed like they were cut equally between Robin and Guy. But then maybe I just never paid attention before.

And now a few videos to cheer me up...

Principessa55 with Every Day is Exactly the Same (Guy of Gisborne).

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FairyCutie86 with Savin' Me (Guy and Meg).

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Lastly, EtherealSparkle with Shame on the Soul (Guy).

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robin hood, richard armitage, vid recs

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