A Captain Jack poll...

May 17, 2009 23:44

Blame sunnytyler001  for this one. She posted a poll the other day that got me thinking. Given a choice of Captain Kirk and Captain Jack the choice for me was obvious as I'm not a big Trekkie. But given the choice between two Captain Jacks which would I choose? I'm not sure. They're both so pretty. Granted, one is decidedly omni-sexual but at least a girls got a chance. Not too mention he's from the future, competent in a fight with aliens of all shapes and sizes and immortal (or at least incapable of dying). And the other looks damn good in pretty much every way. Plus he's a Pirate which earns him extra bonus points. Two Captain Jacks...how do you decide? So I thought I'd see how you all felt. Your choices?

Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean:


Captain Jack Harkness from Torchwood:

Which do you prefer?
Poll Favorite Captain Jack

torchwood, fandom, poll, pirates of the caribbean

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