Oh Who fandom...what an interesting thing you are. The Christmas Special has aired, the Eleven announcement is over, David's back in Hamlet and all is right with our world...right? Well, sort of.
I'm not going to say much about the Eleventh Doctor for now. I'll just say that I'm optimistic and I'm withholding judgment until I actually see him in the role.
But no matter how good, bad or indifferent the next guy is Ten will always be 'My Doctor' and I plan on hanging on to him for as long as possible. And so I'm following this up with a gratuitous picspam celebrating Ten, Tennant, his companions and how far we've come with him. All pictures from david-tennant.org.
Ten and a few of his companions from the last few years...To travel with the Doctor, what an adventure. Who among us wouldn't jump into the TARDIS at our first chance? But these girls got the chance. The sad thing is that not one of them stayed...And the Doctor is inevitably left alone again.
Ten...he's skinny and pretty, a brilliant genius who's a bit full of himself. He oscillates between childlike joy and angst filled brooding. The Oncoming Storm and the 'Pretty Boy'...Our one and only Last of the Time Lords.
David Tennant is currently playing Hamlet in London as a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Besides his amazing acting ability what is it about him that makes fans go wild? It could be his Scottish accent, his geek-chic good looks or his infectious personality.
Massive Picspam is now over...for now. Hope I didn't damage your dial up too much. Please enjoy the Ten/Tennanty goodness. You should be able to click on the pictures to make them bigger if you wish.
Update: And now you really can click on the pics to make them bigger...all links fixed. Whew!