The 2007 Fandom Meme

Dec 27, 2007 20:30

Stolen from

What fandoms did you acquire in 2007?
Yes, well...since I was off work for a few months I admit to acquiring quite a few. Most notably Doctor Who, followed by Life on Mars, Firefly and Robin Hood.

What fandoms did you let go of in 2007?
The Tribe. I still like it and yes, I have all the dvd's. But let's be realistic...It's a kid's show. And it's not coming back people. Really, there will never ever be a 6th Season. In light of that I'm afraid I've finally let the dream die.

What fandoms did you mean to get into but didn't in 2007?
Well...that's a hard one. I suppose Blood Ties. I liked it, but just couldn't commit to being a real fan.

What fandoms do you intend to check out in 2008?
You don't really plan these things, they just kind of happen. Don't they? I would like to get back into the POTC fandom a bit more though. I miss it.

What fandoms do you think you might let go of unless things significantly improve in 2008?
Harry Potter...Loved it, but the books are over and the movies just aren't interesting me like they used to. Also I must say Blood Ties. Because at this point the show's been cancelled and there's just not enough there to keep me interested for much longer. And I think I should add Robin Hood to this answer also just to be fair as I'm several episodes behind now and can't seem to muster up enough enthusiasm to sit down and catch up. Getting bored already. That's a bad sign.

What fandoms do you think you'll never let go of no matter how crappy they get? Why?
hmmm...Well, this is hard to predict. I would like to say Doctor Who, but I think that will only apply as long as DT is in the role. I suppose I can say Forever Knight because I've held on to that fandom for so long now that I doubt I'll ever let go of it completely. It just gets brought out and dusted off every now and again. Same goes for Highlander.

What show impressed you most in 2007?
Well...Doctor Who. It basically sucked me in and ate my brain. But if I rule that show out of this category then I would have to say Life on Mars. It's smart TV with a killer plot and a wonderful cast. Truly brilliant.

meme, doctor who, firefly, blood ties, life on mars

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