meet mr jack

Aug 02, 2013 15:32

hey bunny just so happened that I recently acquired another bun.
I believe I posted here two years ago when I adopted my last rabbit, willow (two years and no posting....I need to be better about that! I read nearly every entry though! (: ).
things have been uneventful since then, though I've gotten quite a few other pets and a lot of rescue fosters but not any rabbits. I debated for a long time about getting a second, but wasn't sure how willow would react, and I didn't want to deal with twice the mess...
well, in the middle of fostering seven kittens at once, this really awesome rabbit appeared at a rescue my roommate works at....and she fell in love with him. she brought him home to foster, and we put his cage next to willow's. his name is Mr jack, he's half jackrabbit, and he fit right in at our house....nothing fazed him, he just chilled and ate hay. after a few days, I decided to let him out to play with willow, due to them hardly reacting to each other at all. and they acted like best friends!

getting acquainted


with a visiting rescue tortoise.

looks like we are stuck with him.

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