Da da da daaaaa da!

Aug 05, 2009 21:43

Da da da daaaaaaaaa da da-da da DA! *Starwars theme*

Got another fic finished! This time its about my Clefairy Phoebe!

Phoebe part 1

"C'mon Aaron it'll be fine!"

The eight year old brushed a strand of loose red hair back as she proceeded to try and coax her young growlithe into the cave.

Mt. Moon was a large series of caverns running straight from Pewter city to Cerulean and was currently the quickest way to get there for Ember.

She was late as it was and the older members of the Rocket gang would not be pleased if she showed up to the rendezvoures point late.


The Puppy pokemon gave on final glance back at the fading light of the cave exit as he reluctantly followed his eager trainer. This was a big day for her after all! She would get a chance to experience feild work searching for the fossiles she had been assigned to scout out, and some more experience in simple outdoor life aswell.

Since coming to Team Rocket she had spent little time far away from the base.

Ember smiled and picked up her pace as Aaron caught up with her.


Didn't he care anymore? How could this have happened to HER of all pokemon? Why why...


The sob echoed the caverns of Mt. Moon. A Clefairy huddled on a pile of rocks wailing her heart out. Phoebe had just been abandoned and was slowley coming to terms with reality.

There would nolonger be anyone to care for her, no one to feed her, no one to help her at all. Another wail escaped her as she thought back on the boy who had previously trained her.

"It'll be ok, I'll be back soon I promise."

With that the boy had left the cave in a hurry and was never to be seen again. It had been almost a week since then and Phoebe was growing faint and depressed from the loss of her trainer. At first she waited diligently knowing her trainer would be back from whatever errands he had to do without her. He always came back.

A day passed. Surley he would come back soon, perhaps he had buisness at a place that didn't allow pets. Three days passes and Phoebe began to worry for her trainer's saftey. What if he'd been attacked by Team Rocket! Or the bullies from home! Five days had passed and still the boy did not return.

Finally she began to waver in her faith and decided that mabey the worst had come. Mabey she really had been abandoned, just like the pokemon on the sad movies she and her boy used to watch. But those movies always had happy endings didn't they?

Phoebe sighed.

"No happy endings for me..."

Her attention was then snapped back to the present as a slight series of 'thumps' arrived.

Panicking she hid behind the rock she had been sitting on. She knew that there were still wild pokemon in this cave and she had never been trained for battle, and wild pokemon would surley be much stronger than she was in her worn out state.

The sounds increased in volume. She could now detect it as a footfall of some sort.

Two..four legs...something on all fours was coming and it was gaining in speed. Her heart beat quickened as her fevered mind began to come up with the most horrid of creatures who'd most likley be the source of the sounds. She cringed at the thought. She was almost certain she was going to be eaten.



With a scream she hid her head and ducked from the echoing snarl, intensified by her own paranoia.


Aaron cocked his head as his concentration on leading Ember throughe the caverns was broken by a highpitched squeal of fright.

His protective instincts took over as he bristled waiting for his trainer to catch up.

"Aaron did you hear that?" Came his equally worried trainer.

"Lithe, growr!" He responded.

"Mabey someone is hurt which way was it Aaron!"

With a flick of his nose he pointed out the direction the sound had come from. Without another thought the small girl dashed off into the corresponding tunnel.

Running off without the slightest thought of her own welfare! Aaron sighed as he quickly paced after her, he was getting used to his trainer's rashness but was very annoyed by it aswell. This would definitley delay Ember's job at hand. So much for keeping her on track.


Entering yet another cavern Ember wheeled back to see of Aaron had followed her. She didn't want to lose him. A yip from behind told her he had made it.

She blinked rapidly trying to adjust to the darkness. This cavern was further in than she had expected and her eyes had not yet adjusted to the darkness.

Creeping closer she cautiously felt along the edges of the wall, this room was definitley larger than the others. Finding the source of the wailing would be difficult.


"Whoa Aaron did you hear that?"

She gravitated towards the heat her fire pokemon gave off as a guide post in the dark.

"Can you tell what it is?"

Aaron pointed his nose to the ground and sniffed.

"Grooowlithe growwl."

"Itsss a cleeefairy?" Ember was still having trouble understanding Aaron at times but she managed.

"And its smells sick? Like how?"

Her growlithe guessed malnutrition and fear. Feeling Ember's hand light on his head he looked up trying to find her eyes. He knew what she meant.

Sniffing and trotting away from his owner he tryed to pinpoint the pokemon. Her Hiccups and sobbing made it an easy task. He stopped abrubtly as he came to a large rock. Was she on top?

In one graceful lead he landed easily on the large rock and sat down to focus on the small dark shape infront of him.

Phoebe was now terrified. She backed slowley now near tears.



Aaron looked down at the now slumped form in front of him. The poor thing had fainted. Feeling slightly bad for it he decided that now it was time Ember should help. Leaping from the rock he quickly came back to Ember's side and nudged her forward. Groping in the dark she found Aaron's tail and took hold letting him lead her to the distressed pokemon.

"So it fainted?" She asked half to herself and half to Aaron. Feeling along she noticed that the rock he had led her to was about to her waist.

Stooping down she felt along the surface hoping to find the Clefairy. She paused and thought. This would be the perfect time for her to try and capture a pokemon, that way she could take it back to the pokecenter much more easily and release it.

Even thoughe it would have been an easy catch she still would not feel right about keeping it with so little a challange. She would have at least wanted to battle it before claiming it. Even stealing it would have been more fun. She was after all a Rocket.

Fumbleing in her pocket she picked and empty pokeball, expanded it and gently rolled toward the limp form underneath her hand.

A red flash temporarily lit the room and she caught a glimpse of the thing before it was sucked back into the ball. It rolled a bit and settled.

"Well that was easy.." She said a little dissapointed as she picked up the ball.



In a flash the pokeball broke open letting the unconcious clefairy flop onto the ground.

Aaron gave a bark of surprise as the limp form materialized near him.

What had happened? Ember wondered as she looked at the now dysfuntional pokeball in her hand. The only time something like that would happen was if the pokemon was too powerfull for the ball's containment system...or was owned...

Team rocket had a special way of dealing with owned pokemon. A special brand of ball their own scientists and technicians had come up with would override the ID system used on all legally manufactured Pokemon league approved balls and make any pokemon owned or wild suceptable to an immediet capture. The ID system had been instated to stop pokemon theft and help with the pokemon transportation systems.

This clefairy must have been owned. Ember knelt down towads the prone pokemon and scooped it up into her oversized coat. Who would abandon a pokemon? Nonetheless such a popular one? She thought clefairy were always in high demand and were often bought as pets. Team Rocket was one of the seedier suppliers of clefairy to various pet stores but it's buisness in poaching had been put on hold due to the escavating of rumored fossils.

"We need to get this guy to a pokecenter and fast ok Aaron?" She whispered to her Growlithe who gave her a condensing look and nudged her in the direction of the exit.

Ember slowley made her way out of the cave, clefairy in tow, and worry for the pokemon on her mind.


Phoebe slowley opened her eyes. She winced as she was met with a bright peirceing light.

Where was she?

She rolled to her side finding it a bit difficult. She was strapped down. Turning her head she spotted a counter.

A bright red pokeball with the initiials P.C. inscribed on it's center, potruded decorativley from one side of the counter.

She was in a pokecenter!

She calmed slightly in the familliar atmoshphere, her trainer had taken her to a pokecenter on numerous occasions when she had been sick. Wait her trainer...where was he? What happened?

Her thoughts were interupted by a discussion growing in volume nearby.

"So where exactly did you find it..?"

"I told you! It was in a cave and hurt, I couldn't uh...capture it so...I brought it here!"

"Don't use that tone with me young lady!" Came a condensing reply from an unknown source.

Nurse joy Gave the small redhead a sharp look and continued typeing away on her computer checking the new found Clefairy's status and health. Not only had her break been interrupted, but the bearer of bad news was none other than Ember. She was a rash thing and in Nurse Joy's opinion far too young to be out alone on a pokemon journey being only eight. Most trainers started at least at the age of Ten. How Ember had aquired a lisence at such a young age was a mystery to her.

"And what did I tell you about that Jacket?"

"Uhm!" Ember was taken aback and looked down sheepishly, it was a Rocket issued custom jacket her friend Joshua had given her when he rescued her. It was far too big but she insisted on whereing it everywhere she went.

Joy simply assumed it was a hand-me-down from a rebelious punk brother of the young girl's.

She sighed and closed out her file work.

"It seems to have recovered nicley, now if you'll be PATIENT, I'll check it's ID tags and see if we can contact it's owner untill then..." She picked up the quiet clefairy from the small bedded stretcher it had been placed on.

"..you watch it and be quiet while I work on this, Ok?" She gently placed the frightened pokemon in Ember's arms.

Hugging it to her, Ember gave Nurse Joy one last doubtful look and hurried off to a bench.

Looking un at the small girl's face Phoebe lightened a bit, the girl seemed trustworthy, and had so far only tried to help her.

"Clef, cleffairy?"

Seeming to notice the pokemon for the first time Ember looked down at the small Clefairy clinging to her Jacket. "Uh...here let me get a translator...AARON!"

Phoebe winced at the loud call and gasped as a orange and black blurr appeared behind her.

"Hello!" A cheery greeting came.

Phoebe paused unasure of what to say.


"So you look like your feeling better, wanna tell me your name?"

Taken aback by the Growlithe's friendlyness she paused and slowley replied.

"I-I'm Phoebe...who are...are you Aaron?" She made a guess at his name.

The Pup brightened "Yup! So wanna tell me what you were doing in that cave?"

"I...I was" She looked down trying to hold back tears as she remembered what had happened. Noteing the Clefairy's distress Ember began to absently pat it's head.

"Ember plaease come to the front desk...Ember-"

The Nurse's PA announcment was cut short as in a jump and a flash the young girl was immedietly at the front desk. Her curiosity Brimming.

Aaron rolled his eyes and trotted after her hoping that his trainer hadn't suffocated Phoebe in her surprise and excitment.

"Here" Nurse joy was solemn and slowlwy turned the PC screen towards the trainer.

Phoebe gasped, there on the screen was the homepage of the Pokemon collectors webring, along with a picture of a light haired young boy smileing. Her trainer.

Ember slowley clicked the picture, Phoebe had begun tearing again. The screen was soon flooded with pictures.

A boy and his clefairy at a party.

A boy and a clefairy opening presents.

A boy putting a bow in the clefairy's hair...

It was too much for her, more pictures appeared but she had not noticed any of them, Phoebe was now openley crying.

Not knowing what else to do Ember held the pokemon closer and continued clicking. This was probably to much for the Clefairy but she had to know.

"So this was her trainer..." Ember absently remarked. The nurse gave a slow nod took thed moniter back and then returned it to Ember's gaze after a series of clicks. A small image of the boy appeared with a small notice that read:

Pokemon owned: 0

Phoebe choked down more tears as she stared in disbeleife at the screen. Zero? Zero pokemon? But he had her! Why would he erase her from his roster? He really had abandoned her!

Phoebe noted a small crystaline drop shatter on her paw. She looked up. The girl had started crying too.

"So it...was abandoned? WHY!" Her sadness turned to rage at the thought of someone leaving a friend behind in such a place.

Tacken aback by Ember's sudded change in emotion Nurse joy took her hand and simply shook her head.

" I'm sure I don't know, they certainly did seem happy together. But This Pokemon will be left in a state of limbo unless it it released and it's ID is changed, I'll see what I can do but you should talk to it a bit, mabey see if it would like to come with you, we don't have much room here so we can't keep it..." She turned back to her desk and began typing again.

Ember slowley walked back to the bench holding the small creature in her arms unsure of what she could do.

After letting the Clefairy cry a bit more into her jacket she lightly tapped it;s ear.

"Hey...I know you're pretty down right now but...well" She struggled with the words.

"If you'd like you can come with Aaron and me...Joy said that if your trainer really had erased his status of owning you he probably...wouldn't be back to pick you up...so.."

Phoebe looked up in disbeleif.

"Well would you like to come with us? I promise I wouldn't leave you all alone I'd try my best to take care of you."

Phoebe lowered her head in thought.

"Um...I work for Team Rocket, that wouldn't bother you would it?" She asked pointing out the bright red 'R' etched on the right breast pocket of her coat.

Phoebe started. She worked for Team Rocket? But she had always thought they were heartless killers who abused and stole pokemon! How could someone who had done nothing but tryed to help her belong to such a terrible organization!

She looked into Ember's red eyes. They were warm and inquisitive. She turned to Aaron who only gave a warm smile back.

If such a nice person worked under the rockets flag...mabey just mabey it wouldn't be so bad. It might even be exciting! She had come to trust the girl and felt sure that she would care for her and wouldn't let anything hurt her.

She took one last look at the Center's main desk. There was no future for her here. She tenativley raised a paw to the bright 'R' insignia.

"My name is Phoebe...Nice to meet you." She smiled.

A bit of paperwork under an alias later and Ember exited the center.

It had been every little girl's dream to own a clefairy of her very own. Every girl wanted that adorable magical friend to hug and pamper forever. Every girl it seemed but Ember.

So it seemed odd to her now as she stared at the new pokeball expanded in her hands, she had never even considered raising one, and yet now here she stood with one newly captured under her name. She owned a Clefairy.

fanfic, pokemon

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