marshmallow madness

Jun 09, 2007 17:14

OK, I have to say this absolutely thrills me. Even though it's late in the game and even if June 15th comes and goes, I feel like my little marshmallow campaign is rallying and that's really cool. I got an email from this girl Rachel saying that she had sent my s'mores postcard to the people at TheIndianFoodStore when they added marshmallows to the stuff being sent to Dawn Ostroff for the Mars Bars campaign. From their blog:

2) We are in the process of getting some large posters printed out with "Save Veronica Mars". We are also mass print a very nice picture submitted to us (Thanks Rachel!) and stick it on each of the Mars boxes and just on the pallet in general. We'll plastic wrap the whole thing so that we can make sure they in place when it arrives! You can see the picture here:'mores.pdf

They are sending 350 pounds of marshmallows to the network and my "Veronica Mars, She's a marshmallow... and we want s'more" postcard plastered all over it and I'm completely elated. Anyway here are the links:

And here, they're talking about it too:

Update, June 8th, 10:50pm:  Whoa, huge amount of new info… first off, Sachin needs ideas on where to get more marshmallows, or other products we should send! The whole pallette of stuff will covered in these great posters
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