I love Justin Timberlake!

May 29, 2005 19:40

Wow.. so this weekend so far has been pretty good.  Friday was finals.... that went much better than I was expecting.  It feels good to have Geography, Biology and Spanish over with.

After school was over with me Katie and Jenna walked to McDonald's and got some food.  I love the McFlurry!  Then we went to the park and had fun coloring on leaves and writing messages on them.  Then Katies Mom came and got us and we went to her house and crashed for a while.

Shannon came and we got some Monicals which was very tasty.  Then Brittany came and later Stephanie came also.  We went around on bikes like gangstas (haha) and then we got chased by these guys in a car... it was scary and i was on this little bike so my legs were tired after having to pedal really fast.  We got back to Katies house and then we went to see The Longest Yard.  But it was sold out so we went to DQ and went to the 9:40 showing.  It was packed in that theater.  The movie was funny but there was a part i didn't really like. . . .

When we got back to Katies house we watched Thirteen, hmm.. that was a different movie.  It was kinda depressing.  I stayed up to see the whole thing so I was really tired in the morning but I still woke up by like 9:30!  This summer I need to perfect the art of sleeping in!!!  So yeah, I went home around 11ish and ended up falling asleep watching Ella Enchanted (wow... I'm a dork!)  So I was lazy pretty much all day yesterday.

Today I went to the play with Jenna that was at Central called White Liars & Black Comedy.  It was okay.  Steffanie had a good accent!  It was really thick lol.  Then we took Jenna home and I went to church.... which was a weird day.  So tomorrow there is no school... which makes me happy.  I'm probably going to go to this thing with Jenna at her moms friends pool!  That should be fun... I just hope the weather stays nice and warm.

Well ... I don't have much else to say.  Leave me a comment if ya want to! ~Renee Marie

p.s. I'm bored now....
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