Feb 08, 2010 09:32
Starting to peek into the housing market, but still far from jumping. We need to be within 45 minutes or so of Christian Science Center in Boston, MA, to cut down on my husband's commute, but within an hour of Maynard, MA to keep my commute relatively unchanged.
If you know anything about Eastern MA, you know this covers a good chunk of everything within 128, and about half of what is inside I-495. Now, this market bubbled up during the Housing Bubble by a large percentage. It has since fell by a good amount, but no where near enough for the houses to be considered "affordable" to a first time home buyer. We have found a few places that are short sales, or need a lot of work, but nothing decent. We don't have time to work on a place, but we don't have large space requirements (800 sq. ft. or even a bit less with a good configuration), as long as it has a basement or attic for towers of storage boxes.
Rental is a possibility as well, but we're not as eager to jump to a rental, so I think it would be a last resort when we finally realize it is time to move out from my parents home, no matter what. Although, she would love us to stay as long as possible, *chuckles*.
Oh well, just rambling about what is going on in my head think.