Staro Rīga 2016

Nov 22, 2016 13:36

В Риге с 17 по 20 ноября прошел фестиваль света Staro Rīga 2016. В этом году он был эффектнее предыдущих, основной акцент был на световых проекциях и практически не было дурацких инсталляций в стиле "две лампочки из дуршлага". Обычно мы вдвоем готовили фоторепортажи прошлых лет, с трудом успевая посмотреть все объекты за четыре дня. В этом году я впервые попыталась сделать это одна, волнуясь, как это получится. И в первый же день с удивлением обнаружила, что обошла 30 объектов из 42-х - такого результата не было у Валеры даже в лучшие его годы. Так что этот фестиваль для меня - особенный, это проверка себя на многие вещи и, надеюсь, меня поймут... Большое спасибо antilla, которая помогла на своей машине посетить пять удаленных объектов, благодаря чему удалось сфотографировать все объекты за три дня, а не четыре, как всегда было.

Карта фестивальных объектов с официального сайта, по ссылке список объектов на латышском языке

К сожалению, в этом году нет русской версии описания объектов, поэтому взяла с сайта английские и положила под спойлеры.

1 LIGHT TREE на дамбе AB [In English]An urban landscape light installation that personifies the World Tree, the morning glow of Austra Tree. The tree is a tether to the spiritual. Light festival “Staro Riga 2016” theme is “the dawn of light” and as such a Light Tree will appear in the city center, its rays playing upon its surrounding awaiting the dawn of light.
Лучи объекта были видны в городе даже издалека.

2 My Garden на Ратушной площади [In English]A large scale plant display invites you into an uncanny and a magical place. The poetical garden filled with echinondermus, ombrellum, carbonium, roses and lilies of the valley transforms Rātslaukums into a place where city and nature meet; yielding to rhythmic poetry where creativity takes flight.
Object “My Garden” is created by a French artistic group from TILT studio; their projects encompass various light art aspects. TILT, through its art, aims to change people’s preconception about their surroundings. Object’s new placement and the changing of atmosphere encourages the viewer to gain new experiences and form new ideas concerning a multitude of places within a city.

Чем-то напомнило мне сказку про 12 месяцев :-))

3 Light Painting for Latvia на фасаде церкви св. Петра [In English]The interactive multimedia installation invites you to paint with light. Just as the name implies, Festival visitors will be able to decorate St. Peter’s Church facade with at least 98 different paintings. This is a light art installation whose creative products will be visible the moment that they are created.
These light paintings will be created from Latvian folklore articles and amulets; which symbolize our cultural history’s inheritance. Festival participants will be able to create articles and amulets representative of today’s age. By creating unique combinations from these articles and amulets different artistic creations will emerge, each as unique as the individual who made it. Background music will infuse this creative process with hightened senses and experiences.
Participation in this light adventure encourages us to gain creative experience whilst simulatenously having a chance to recreate their urban landscape states Ocubo main mantra within this light projection. Latvia is a people whose today’s created unique ornaments will be allegorically depicted within 98 light paintings for Latvia.

А вот дальше на фоне чудес привиделась белочка. :-)) И не простая, а с латвийским флагом. Всё, приплыли... - подумали в этот момент многие. - Пить меньше надо по праздникам! :-)) Но это оказался фестивальный объект.

4 CHILDREN DRAW LATVIA на ул. Skārņu 25 [In English]Every city’s or province’s coat of arms and their components have special meanings and significance; a legend or historical facts telling its creation. Using a creative workshop’s drawings, an animation telling the story of animals and birds from Latvia’s Baldones, Leipājas, Staiceles, Jēkabpils, and Viļakas coat of arms has been created.
Так дети разукрасили животных с гербов латвийских городов. Все показать нет возможности, но хотя бы некоторые:

5 CIRCLE OF LIFE на пл. Алберта [In English]A sound of gentle steps can be heard in the distance. As a shadow of a mystery character appears, windows on the facade of the building light up. The light is evolving - it creates light seeds that grow into flowers. The flowers then come into life and turn into dozens of flowers. Everything is in bloom and alive. Until suddenly - it is dark again. A sound of gentle steps can be heard in the distance. And life starts all over again.
Out of the dark, the light is born. And a brand-new life, a new substance is created by the light. By fading out, it gives life to something new. It seems endless, this circle of life. But even the eternity is just a fragile moment, nothing more. This multidimensional video projection “Circle of life” has been produced by 3D mapping artists of “The Fourth Dimension”, and this is their first project in Latvia.

6 RELOOP на Vecpilsētas 8a [In English]ReLoop is an interactive video projection that offers for the spectator to interact with the image on the facade. It allows to create musical pieces by using lasers and wristbands. Using this technology an ancient building during the light festival Staro Rīga transforms into a large canvas, and the festival spectators become artists. The visitors are the ones picking the genres (classical or electronic, jazz, hip-hop, trap or world music) to be displayed as a musical projection on the building. The storyline for the projection is created by a video material, programmed specifically for the silhouette and contours of the building.

7 SMALL CHEF в овощном павильоне Центрального рынка [In English]The center of Riga, her central market, hosts a pop-up restaurant with the world’s smallest chef. Your dinner plate will be transformed in the chef’s kitchen and through a video projection the story of food and its creation will unfold in front of your eyes. All dinner guests are promised a three-course virtual meal with the hopes to satisfy their hunger with light and tasteful humor. Bon appetite!
Когда я там была, все было закрыто, время работы объекта указано не было, сфоткала лампочки для отчета:

8 JAPANESE ‘MAPPING’ COLLECTION на фасаде гостиницы "Рига" [In English]For the fifth year Tokyo hosts a video-projection contest in which artists compete with a self-created 1 minute mapping video. This year there are six Japanese artist video-projection included.

9 SHINE SAFELY на Kaļķu 28 [In English]Ergo invites; come experience the birth of light. You can create your own light object by implementing a specially embellished bike. Come pedal your way to a light balloon that you can take home. Render Rīga brighter!

10 LAMP SHADE BOUQUET на пл. Ливу [In English]Floor lamps, we are used to see in our living rooms, have morphed into gigantic outdoor versions. With the onset of dark the displayed white lamp shades will shine different colors, creating a colorful kaleidoscope fragment as well as a modern and homey relaxation spot in Līvu Square.
Created by a French artistic group from TILT studio; their projects encompass various light art aspects. TILT, through its art, aims to change people’s preconception about their surroundings. Object’s new placement and the changing of atmosphere encourages the viewer to gain new experiences and form new ideas concerning a multitude of places within a city.

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11 RABBITS на Домской площади [In English]A large-scale light object for children and grownups who still believe in miracles.
Lately, large rabbits have been appearing in Light Festivals around the world and feeling right at home at every location. Now these giant rabbits have inhabited Dome Square.
Rabbits have a contradicting fame. On the one hand they remind us of childhood characters from stories; furry innocence frolicking through majestic prairies. Yet, on the other hand these artistic enormous rabbits urges one to discover the seriousness of our environment and ecological problems. These large rabbits act as a metaphor for the ‘white elephant in the room.’ In this case, it, being the issue with the environment that is right in front of us, yet easy to ignore. A problem that hides behind a lovable form.
This is a playful piece of art that calls on admiration and spurs fantasy. The main idea of this installation is to portray that these gigantic rabbits do not really fit in within their environment. It aims to spark a feeling of occupation; the giant rabbits have arrived and taken over this space. Usually, people see wonder in these rabbits and associate their appearance with childhood occurrences such as the arrival of Santa Claus. Yet at the same time this art piece encompasses the many sides of our every day shadows; nothing has just one interpretation. The element of dark is necessary in order for light to rise and these rabbits shine ever so bright in white light.

Кролики весело шевелили ушами на ветру:

12 CENTENNIAL CLUB NIGHT на Palasta 9 [In English]In 2008, in recognition of Latvia’s 90th Birthday a “Club Night” was held with the moto “Free Celebration.” This event successfully took place in more than 50 places in Latvia. This year, the tradition will be renewed so that during Latvia’s Birthday clubs will sound this nation’s favorite and most beloved music.
Light soars in Rīga’s clubs! On November 18 of this year “Centennial Club Night” will take place in over 50 of Latvia’s most popular clubs; where all visitors will be able to experience her birthday. VJ Oores will provide a uniquely developed light installation for each club and music will be complied by
Latvia’s Centennial celebration will take place over a five year period, from April 2017 to January 2021 and will recognize the most significant events in Latvia’s history. The main message of Latvia’s Centennial celebration is “I am Latvia” emphasizing that a person is its most cherished possession, who, through every day’s work creates the present and builds tomorrow’s foundation.

Интересно получился путь света к проекции на фасаде, в виде разноцветных кружочков:

13 ACTION-PAINTING на башне Рижского замка [In English]Everyone has an opportunity to become an artist and discover the joys of creating abstract art’s colors. Completely detach from your mind’s controls and submit your-self to spontaneity.
Working with a color of your own choosing and a ‘magical wand’ you have the chance to not only create a fantastic art performance but also a contemporary dress for Rīga Castle tower. Transforming it into an abstractionist’s “action painting” experimental platform.
Light’s colors will be the instrument which will demolish the boundary between controlled creation processes and spontaneity; submitting to imagination and unveiling instinctual emotion’s abstractness.

Голубая башня в перспективе улочки вызывает чистый восторг:

14 LIGHT WISHES на пл. Екаба [In English]The interactive installation consists of three self-inflated vinyl bubbles that range from 3 to 7 meters in height and act as urban screens. Two interactive applications have been used in the making of this installation - Speak Tree and Billie.
This installation SpeakTree, is an engaging platform designed to share thoughts and wishes with the people around you. Send a simple text message and your wish appears as a branch on a tree projected on a light sphere.
Next to it, Bilie allows the visitors to draw on the sphere with any light source, including the smartphone. Turn the light toward your face and a selfie appears on the sphere. The soundtrack reacts to the intensity of the painting.

15 TO LOVE AND FILL LATVIA на Kr. Valdemāra 1C [In English]Awaiting Latvia’s and Riga State Technical School’s 100th birthday, this year’s first rendition of “Latvia Loving and Filling” hymn was heard at Riga State Technical School. Hymn’s video version is a gift from Riga State Technical School’s musician alumni, current and prospective students, teachers and employees. We wish to create a festive feeling to all Riga residents and visitors and extend our greeting on Latvia’s Birthday.
Из-за деревьев этот объект сложно фотографировать:

16 LIGHT MAN на здании Сейма на Jēkaba 11 [In English]The Parliament, in honor of the upcoming Latvia’s Centennial, offers us an audiovisual object “Light Man” that is formed in cooperation with the Art Academy of Latvia and Latvian Republic Centenary Youth Action Committee.
Gift your light to Latvia on her Birthday!
We carry light within each of us by means of our work, words, and thoughts. We invite you to share your light by imprinting your name on our country’s flag that will lay next to the Parliament house.
Let’s celebrate the upcoming Centennial celebration, Latvia’s Birthday, together on 18th November, 2018. #EsEsmuLatvija

17 A GREETING FROM LIEPĀJA у казарм Екаба, Torna 4, 2A-201 [In English]One associates Liepaja with wind, music, art, and a unique atmosphere. An atmosphere created in part by the city’s cleanliness, unique architectural design as well as Liepājas heart; its residents.
Light and music installation “A Greeting from Liepaja” wishes to forward its atmosphere to the residents of Rīga. An aim to remind everyone to say “I love you” to all those that are dear to us. When was the last time you said these words? Was it your mother, father, life partner, friend or your child? Nowadays the most common way of communicating is with the help of technology; some with a radio, others by internet or phone. However, no matter how we look at that interaction remains a note, news, a piece of communication.
Liepāja’s greeting to Rīga states “Let light shine within every heart.” This light display will be accompanied by specially composed piece of music by marimba master Rihards Zalupe.
Agnese Melbarde is an artist who, at times harshly and poignantly, expresses her individualistic view of the world through a wide variety of artistic means. A person and their inner soul are most important to her. The new artist provokes viewers by morphing reality, enriching it with a gamut of effects and developing an emotion filled greeting.

Свежо. Мне понравилось :-)

18 SUNRISE на Пороховой башне [In English]People, since ancient times, have gathered to celebrate earth’s solar cycles and experience its majestic occurrence; its arrival, culmination, and departure. The celebration of the sun’s arrival and departure are usually the most beautiful and recognized of events. Preparation requires a lot of time and effort, as well as collaboration, to pull of such a graceful and inspiring event. The arrival of light signifies illumination, experiences, a more expansive view of surroundings; seeing beyond the obvious.
During this year’s darkest season a place where one can welcome light will bloom in the center of Rīga. Art installation “Sunrise” is like an ode to the majesty of light.
For the installation to work everyone will need to lend a hand, just like during Summer Solstice. Light dots, outlining geometric shapes, will be shone upon Powder Tower and at the base of it one will find “buttons.” Each of these buttons will represent one of the geometric shapes. By walking on these “buttons” visitors will be able to light up corresponding squares; the more people take part in this cooperative effort the brighter the Tower will shine.
In order to unlock all of the geometric shapes you need to step on all 9 “buttons.” This will be an opportunity for strangers to work together, creating shared experiences and new roots. Once all of the buttons are pressed the geometric shape’s boarders will fully light up and flicker into bloom revealing breathtaking sunrises from around this world and beyond; and then the process will begin anew.
An ode is a flattering and celebratory poem that is dedicated to a significant event or person. In Ancient Greece any lyrical stanza, with musical accompaniment including choir singing, was called an ode.

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19 LIGHT ODYSSEY - фонтан на канале напротив казарм Екаба [In English]In the far away distance, dark and empty cosmos light is born. The dark splitting light ray begins its journey through the cosmos unforgettable distances to, perhaps a never-ending journey, reach Earth. The video was inspired by lights speed and its incomprehensible existence.
With the help of a high-power projection apparatus on will be able to see as a new landscape is formed on the canal. A mass scale water screen will color and light up the city’s surrounding darkness. This art object will be formed by taking advantage of its environment’s assets and with light and color effects a new reality will emerge on the water front; a story about light’s odyssey through the cosmos; star systems, planets all the way to Earth.

Один из наиболее эффектных объектов фестиваля. Удалось поймать световой луч, проходящий через фонтан:

20 GLOBOSCOPE на Бастионной горке [In English]GLOBOSCOPE is a three-dimensional work that is made up of many luminescent spheres. Arranged by their size within the space, each light’s “place”, each “pixel” are unified in an ensemble and are enhanced with sound and light traveling betwixt them. Mathematics, sound, light is implemented in order to create and augment the space whilst offering the viewer a surreal promenade throughout a newly discovered space.
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21 MY BOAT IS NOT LARGE BUT I ROW IT MYSELF на канале возле Оперы [In English]Nothing holds one’s attention more than movement itself. Simply with a few dots moving in the air, in a way that is precise and meaningful, the brain cannot escape from the subtlety of the movement. Motion and emotion are completely interwoven. This connection creates a very powerful reaction in the brain, leading the viewer to unconsciously join the dots together. The viewer is suddenly confronted by a living moment, where the pure essence of life appears.
Enjoying this moment of peace and tranquility is a person in a small boat, rowing down the river, leaving behind them their frantic and hectic world.
The artist’s choice of the title came from him being inspired by a famous quote from French poet, Alfred de Musset, ‘The glass I drink from is not large, but at least it is my own.’
“Staro Rīga” spectators have already been able to see two other sculptures by Rémi Brun - The Galloping Horse in 2010 and Loopy Lou in 2014. This new sculpture has been created with a similar, but slightly more complicated technology than his previous installations. This kinetic sculpture of many moving LED’s will be floating on the city canal with its oars, going partly underwater, increasing the illusion of a boat with a person rowing. The installation can be viewed from any angle so the audience can fully experience and enjoy the illusion.

Немного мелковато для этого места:

22 CAR THAT SPEAKS TO ITSELF перед Оперой [In English]In Latvia’s National Opera square a light projection show in honor of this year’s grandest auto, Toyota C-HR, and its journey through the streets of Riga. During this event viewers will feast upon a special game of light and unique nontraditional projection specially created for this auto.

23 DISCOVER NATURE’S BOUNTY! на остановках общественного транспорта:

24 WILL-O’-THE-WISP в Верманском саду [In English]“Will-o’-the-wisp” is primarily a play on words as it is used in contrast to “Flash light.” As opposed to light-house, whose function is to show the way, will-o’-the-wisp does the opposite. They appear and disappear in the dark creating a bewildering yet mystically beautiful light panorama; baiting passers-by. Light-houses fulfill their role only if they are in the appropriate environment and context.
By placing many elements, with similar functions, within a small space it begs for entirely different perceptions to occur. Attendees attention is diverted to one object, then another and this mythical experience becomes the foundation of this endeavor.
Will-o’-the-wisp apparition can also be called a call signal; thus this installation is enhanced with music that responds to the idea malduguns represents; bewildering those who listen. Sound is a continual movement. Each light-house emits a unique sound morphing into a multitude of combinations upon reaching a listener’s ears; as such each person experience becomes truly unique.

Эти крутящиеся маячки сложно сфотографировать так, чтобы было понятно, что световые сектора передвигаются:

25 THROUGH THE DECADES на эстраде Верманского сада [In English]Have you ever considered how many different types of transport Riga has seen over the times? Imagine that on the bank of Riga’s river a fishing boat rests yet decades later an Orman carriage rides alongside and later yet, fancy limousines, trams, and young boys’ faces pointing to the sky at awe of air ships. Decades have changed Riga’s transport and will continue to do so until they become unrecognizable. “Through the Decades” is a picture story of Riga’s road vehicles, water transport and air ships.
Project’s creative group invites all residents and visitors to partake in an enchanting journey through Riga’s decades. Follow along this technical installation’s developed stories about Riga’s history. The leading roles in this story have been given to a wide array of transport.

Этот объект хочу еще отдельно показать - там вся история Латвии от древности до наших дней промелькнула:

26 INDISTRUCTIBLE, UNBREAKABLE, UNFORGETTABLE у кинотеатра “Splendid Palace” на Elizabetes 61 [In English]Indestructible, unbreakable, unforgettable were the women of Latvia who survived deportation to Siberia. Youth’s dreams, best years of their lives, homes, husbands, children, their land and health was denied by Soviet powers. On 14th of June, 1941 Latvian elites, amongst them 7168 women and more than 2000 children, were deported to Siberia. Lawyer, journalist and writer Melānija Vanaga and her son Andrejs, were deported to Siberia, as socially dangerous criminals.
The herion of this story, Malanija Vanaga managed to survive her deportation so that she can one day tell her story. A story that has entrapped us all. M. Vanaga’s memories “Velupes Krasta” is, to this date, the most vibrant description of this event in Latvian literature. Viesturs Kairišs’s film “The Chronicles of Melanie,” based on the books, premiered on November 1st.
76 years later, in 2016, the journey from Rīga to Siberia was documented, in detail, so that none of us will forget this endured story. Next to Cinema “Splendid Palace” you can experience this journey aboard a train car and listen to book excerpts read by actresses Lilita Ozolina, Baiba Broka, Guna Zarina, and Maija Doveika.

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27 UNRAVEL HISTORY - BECOME HISTORY на фасаде здания Кабинета министров на Brīvības 36 [In English]Soon Latvia will celebrate its centennial. A country is its residents, its citizens that through daily work create our Latvia as something we can be proud of. On the façade of Latvian Cabinet of Ministers visitors will see short video stories about Latvia most famous people of the past 100 years. The video enhances already existing graphics and invites everyone to participate in the game and by unraveling history one becomes part of that history.
By answering simple questions about Latvia’s famous people of the past 100 years on, everyone has a chance to be portrayed on the Ministers cabinet’s façade amidst the interactive installation “Unravel History - Become History.” Latvia’s resident portraits will be intertwined with the musical light installation, people who create our Latvia as well as showing off our histories know how.

28 LOVE’S MOSAIC на Эспланаде [In English]A 3D illusion, a vivid visual effects composition that invites all to feel as if in a fantasy. Multimedia paraphrase of the eternal and forever new topic of love.
Это рижанам тоже очень понравилось:

29 MY LIGHT IS YOUR LIGHT Canal greenery by Reimersa Street [In English]“When people are forced to leave their cities, they do not leave their homes, belongings, schools, favorite toys and friends and neighbors behind … they actually leave their skin and organs and memories. They transform into outlines of a radiating light. They walk, whispering one thing: my light is your light…”

A project that pays tribute to the Syrian refugees who have been going through extremely challenging humanitarian conditions. Alaa created my light is your light… after having worked as a translator for Syrian, Iraqi, and Sudanese refugees for three years. He also translated refugee conversations for Homeland Security.

The work comes with an approach to further understand what it is that these refugees have succumbed to on the ground, but also what it is that they aspire to. During his translating experiences, he has noticed that refugees, who are almost always susceptible to their reality, can easily be ‘detected.’ They have an aura; some kind of a glow that radiates from within them.

My light is your light … is a tribute to every refugee in general who transforms into a radiating outline of a human once he/she is forced out of their home, for his/her story craves to shine on throughout the world. This idea has been presented in the form of a light installation with six human-scale statues. The six figures represent a family made of a father, a mother, a grandfather, an aunt and two children. It is an installation that reflects both harshness and aspects of hope. These six figures will find themselves crossing paths with passers-by.

“I would like people to know that these are not refugees,” Minawi comments about the installation, “as an artist, I see them as people who were forced to leave their homes. That’s much more powerful … We have to go to the real meaning of the word refugee without the fears that are currently stigmatizing it.” Alaa Minawi is himself a Palestinian refugee, his father was a refugee, and so was his grandfather.

This project has been produced by the Amsterdam Light Festival and Room One. My light is your light … has participated in the following light festivals: Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Beirut (Lebanon), Istanbul (Turkey), London (United Kingdom), and Brussels (Belgium). This light installation has been nominated for DARC 2016 prize in “Best Light Art Scheme” category.

Alaa Minawi (born 1982) is a Palestinian-Lebanese visual artist currently living and working in Beirut, Lebanon as a lighting designer and writer. With a BA in Communication Arts from the Lebanese American University, Alaa has since 2006 worked in film, photography, and theatre both in the Arab world and the USA with more than 300 different projects. Alaa first started experimenting with light sources in 2010 and has since developed a number of different collaborations in the field of lighting-design with many established artists such as Rober Wilson, Jawad Al Assadi, Andrey Barteniv, Tania Saleh, Lina Abyad and many others.

30 CRYSTALLISED на ул. Valdemāra iela, возле Академии художеств [In English]Crystallized is an audio-visual light installation that has been inspired by the bismuth crystal. Various spectacular light reflections appear as the light meets the glossy surfaces. They move about, interact and take spectator’s breath away. The reflections are moving through all the transparent layers that compose the installation. It is for a good reason the creators have compared this installation to a crystal, for all the spectacular light and shimmer it creates.
The authors of this installation are THÉORIZ - an art & technology studio from France that is well known in the whole of Europe and around the world. The team is made of professional engineers and visual artists. They specialize in building immersive experiences, interactive installations and audio-visual shows, as well as providing technical expertise for large-scale projects. The company has large experience working with innovative materials and technologies, from video mapping to robotics as well as virtual and augmented reality.

31 TOUCH THE PAINTING на здании Художественного музея, посвящено 150-летию со дня рождения художника Яна Розенталя [In English]The square behind the National Museum of Art
Six hands are needed to breathe life into one of five paintings by Jānis Rozentāls upon Latvia’s National Museum of Art’s. Paintings are brought to life with original brushstroke and their texture. In synchrony with each brushstroke, music will enhance its interpretation and portrayal.
When Jānis Rozentāls created his works, he captured his own observations and encapsulated that moment’s feeling. Till this day that fixation has been retained in his art. “Touch the Painting” project acts like a translator that infuses life back into the painting’s unique ambiance, stirs its fixated images and embeds everything with an additional dimension. Music will play an important role as it attempts to fit in each specific scene as it creates and morphs new interpretations. It is a unique opportunity to not only discover but also hear the paintings.
The collaboration between people is important to fully explore the painting and begin the music-video animation. Only by placing hands on all 6 screens will the projection come to life.

По сравнению с другими проекциями выглядело очень бледно, здесь у меня добавлен контраст, чтобы что-то рассмотреть:

32 I WAS BORN PREMATURELY на Ģertrūdas 8
[In English]November 17 around the world is recognized as the World Prematurity Day! Each year approximately 1000 children are born prematurely in Latvia and, to acclimate to the situation, those families need the support, time and understanding of people around them. They need Light!
Light brings hope when darkness surrounds. It warms and gives strength at times of difficulty.

Церкви св. Гертруды такая подсветка очень подходит:

33 AN INVITATION TO DELICIOUS COFFEE CONNOISSEURS на остановках общественного транспорта [In English]Passers-by are invited to interact in each of Löfbergs bus stops and enjoy a truly delicious coffee. A little bit of patience, resourcefulness, and a unified effort will give everyone the chance to taste Löfbergs coffee. When the clock strikes on the hour from 17:00 to 23:00, place your palm on the sensor at a Löfbergs stops. In order for the coffee stand to activate all 20 sensors must be touched simultaneously, once accomplished all participants will take home a Löfbergs coffee.

34 HOMOPHOBIA. HUMAN AND ANIMAL IN A CITY во дворе на Bruņinieku Street 57 [In English]Through light and video projection, sound and dance performances the viewer will be able to recognize today’s societies issues such as: homophobia, racism, stereotypes, and the denial of basic human rights. This projects aim is to encourage thought and be conscientious about the harassments that occur without our own streets.
Инсталляция с концептуальными постановками:

35 CARESS THE LIGHT на Фабрике снов на Lāčplēša 101 [In English]A project dedicated to sunlight, where light has a leading role. Sunlight is everchanging, immaterial, untouchable and an essential visible energy to us all. Taking inspiration from the sun and daylight’s never ending changes, this poetical light installation will become a bridge between you and momentary sensory instances. Evenings covered in golden light, the glow of winter’s brisk mornings or the quiet moment before dark sets in. See how light’s character changes amidst various midnight instances and how it affects us?
Every visitor is invited to become part of the performance. ZI will ensure that the more unique installation’s moments are filled with unbreakable light, humanistic entities and arts aspects.

Народ танцевал в туманных лучах света:

36 KNOWLEDGE UPLOAD на фасаде Национальной библиотеки на Mūkusalas Street 3 [In English]The National Library of Latvia invites you to turn your attention to new knowledge, impressions, experiences and light’s coexistence! The creation, acquisition, and comprehension of new knowledge is as never ending as light’s physical and sacred existence. The same can be said about our library and its continual collection’s growth.
Attention! Knowledge upload in process …!
We are extending an opportunity to everyone to witness as Gaismas Pils (National Library of Latvia) is visually constantly charged with content. Gaismas Pils visual projection will adorn it with before unseen brightness as it seems to lift above the darkness and its surroundings; as well as our minds.

Самый скучный объект, пришлось долго ждать, пока на ветру включат все окна и погасят их. И больше ничего.

37 DRAWBAR. SPRINGS. COUPLINGS. AT THE FOOT OF THE LIGHT CASTLE в Железнодорожном музее на бульв. Uzvaras 2A [In English]Latvian Railway History Museum’s wheeled vehicle collection is at the foot of the Light Castle. The Latvian Railway History Museum houses monumental whole pieces and their many minute parts.
This year we invite you to gaze upon machine parts. We will shine light upon wagon’s and locomotive’s intriguing parts: springs, couplings, buffers, drawbars, wheels, whistles, steam kettle pipes and bushings. A play with light, sounds, and smoke will allow you to experience the railways characteristic rhythms and see the usually hidden steam kettle’s power.

В прошлом году у нас был большой фоторепортаж оттуда.

38 MYTH. MODERN-DAY CAVE во дворе RISEBA на Durbes 4 [In English]The idea behind this urban object-installation is the Allegory of Plato’s cave. Visitors will be able to visit this cave by becoming “paelo archeologists” and discover today’s myths by taking part in a brilliant light and shadow game adventure.
Ну да, современные пещеры выглядят именно так:

39 FLOATING REEF на фасаде “Joker Club” на Katrīnas 12 [In English]Intertwined in mysticism and mythical objects that invite one into a never-ending journey through water, air, and minds. The animation on the façade integrates a multitude of sea and land animals, plants, objects and creatures. The video rendition represents a continual movement in time and space where our fantasy creates radiant colors and forms; freely playing with them and creating a never-ending lifelike painting without a seeming beginning nor an end.
Самая яркая и жизнерадостная инсталляция фестиваля:

40 ENERGY RADIATION на здании Латвэнерго на Pulkveža Brieža 12 [In English]During the festival, the façade of “Latvenergo” building will be adorned with a gamut of colors so as to recharge all onlookers with positivity, inspirational energy and life’s colorful emotions.
В предыдущие годы было интереснее.

41 LIGHT GARDEN во дворце культуры в парке Ziemļblāzma Park, на Ziemeļblāzma 36 [In English]Remembering Latvia’s tumultuous history; its decadence, its ability to resurrect to enrich today’s culture and art’s and architecture’s synergy.
A.Dombrovskis’s precious Cultural Palace “Ziemeļblāzma Park” will be reborn despite autumns somberness and mold with light’s rays. Multilayered colorful lights, laser light installation and a mood created with the help of sound will allow one to experience summertime emotions during the gloom of autumn. Envelop your-self in the magic of color, mysteriousness, birds chirping and the cryptic world of sound that one usually encounters only in nature, wilderness, and gardens.
Common park objects; rotunda, tea house, mushrooms, grotto, grapevine avenues, even lanterns will take on a different form through the interplay of light and sound resulting in a fantastical Light Garden. The harmony of light will also adorn Ziemeļblāzma Park watchtower.
Weather dependent, you will be able to view the Light Garden from a bird’s eye view and relish in the magic of light and color from a 36 meter height as well as take in the overall landscape of it all.

Карета из тыквы, разноцветные фонари и подсветка смотровой башни - вполне себе сказочно:

Хорошо подсветили там же беседки:

42 GUERILLA LIGHTENING - экскурсии по городу, начиная от Эспланады для желающих. Я не ходила. [In English]Throughout the excursion’s route participants will have the chance to listen to the unique history of Riga’s buildings as well as become active participants in the creation of a light object. Excursion will occur every evening at 17:30 and 21:30.

СтароРига, Концептуальность, Рига, Мир XXI века, Фонари, Латвия сегодня, Искусство, Иллюзии

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