I just Lurrrve you happy icon Hannah.He's soooo cute and a real happy little chappy! "ADORABLE" there should be a law against him!! Just look at the mischief in those eyes.I also think it's great that platysseus is writing a trilogy and trying to get it made into films.She promised me she'd give Ben the *starring sexy role" She also got a role for Jensen ??(can't think of his second name. I went off on a rant.I'm sorry! Anyway I like your icon is all.Hugs* Waves*
Thanks! He is one happy dude;). "I also think it's great that platysseus is writing a trilogy and trying to get it made into films". She is? Wow that sounds great and hopefully she will make it:)! *hugs*
We can't talk about him,praise him and adore the little imp enough can we? He's just good enough to eat!! If and when platysseus does pull the film in it would certainly the icing on the cake!! Dibbs! First slice!!!!!! LOL. *hugs*
"I also think it's great that platysseus is writing a trilogy and trying to get it made into films". She is? Wow that sounds great and hopefully she will make it:)!
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