09 Johnny Got his Gun icons

Sep 17, 2007 21:19

Made the possible (with my *talent* possibilities, lol) with the new promo pics.

With the lights out, it's less dangerous... )

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jassylou September 18 2007, 10:01:06 UTC
I don't want too cause bother(not in my nature) I didn't want to comment on the main board.I think you and ren are both good listeners and would like your opinion.I've just had some health news of the worst possible kind and I'm in denial.I will just have to cope with it.Never mind that.
I'm just wondering if I'm sooo unlikable? ren as listened and advised me once before. It's practically the same bitchiness as before. I don't know why but when I stopped posting I thought it would all be over and done with.It seems I'm wrong. Every time I ask a question or make a comment.I'm totally disregarded and ignored by this person. Seeing as you and ren do listen to me.I was wondering if you have any Idea how I can put this right.The health news means I won't have long to do it.I've always been a friendly person and this is really getting to me!! I don't know how to send you both a private message or I would have done so.I hope you don't mind and I hope you don't get too many like me.It's very upsetting but it's gone on long enough and I don't have a lot of time left to put things write.Thankyou both!!! *hugs*


60schic September 18 2007, 19:30:45 UTC
First, I'm sorry to hear that you have had some bad news.

I'm not sure how much help I can be to you as I am unaware of the orignal conflict, and I do not know who it is who has ignored you. I know that in the past, I have become involved in some fairly nasty cat fights on the ben support community, so much so that I have eliminated *those people* AND their friends, from my flist, and I always friends-lock any personal posts I make.

In addition, I recently made a comment on the_oc community and did not care for the tone of the responses there (LJ-ers who I don't know) so I went back and deleted all my comments in that thread. I refuse to allow something that is supposed to be fun (LJ) and stress-relieving (commenting about Ben) to turn into something that causes me anxiety. So on my own LJ, I will only accept people who have my back, so to speak.


jassylou September 18 2007, 20:05:39 UTC
My conflict without going into too many words(NO WORDS SPOKEN AT ALL)is with what seemed to be a very nice lady.With whom I would like to make a friend.Maybe I get a little bit "touchy" through my illness but I don't like being ignored.It's gone on too long and I realise now that life's too short.I still try to stay happy! I love this group and have made quite a few nice friends(of which you are one).Thankyou for caring!!

KK:shutting up.I'm whingeing now and that's not me.Gods been good to me.I hope he is as good to Ben!!!!!!!
Oh and last but not least I've officially got your back. I hate "cat fights"they keep you awake at night.Usually when the pubs(bars) close at night!!! LOL. *hugs*


60schic September 18 2007, 20:47:01 UTC
The one thing I love about my flist is how welcoming and supportive they are (and since I have met many of them, I can say they are that way in RL, too). We don't always agree about everything, especially if it involves certain OC characters, but we are polite in our disagreement and never put someone down who has a different opinion.


jassylou September 18 2007, 20:25:06 UTC
PS:Yes!Me again chics would you let me know how to do all that friends locking.I'm DUH with the technical stuff. I asked that "nice lady" how to set alerts for news on Ben.Thats when I started to be blanked by her her.If you would explain it to me I'd owe you one. I'll warn you to make it when you have a spare month.I'm dense!!LOL.Not quite that bad! Cheers chics. I love your user name,reminds me of a little chirpy bird.Renata on the other hand reminds me of something very romantic. Listening ren? Oh-la-la!!!*hugs* all round.


renata_mcm September 18 2007, 20:30:11 UTC
Romantic? Love it, hee. <3


60schic September 20 2007, 20:11:17 UTC
You can only 'friends lock' on a post you have made to your own journal, not to regular comments on other journals. To do it, go to the very bottom of the updating page, outside the box after you type your text (like where you can choose your 'mood' or 'music') It says "Show this entry to" and then there's a drop-down box. Select "Friends" and then hit 'Submit entry'. Then only those poeple you have identified as 'friends' (manage/friends on your toolbar) can read your entry.

Good luck.


jassylou September 20 2007, 23:26:11 UTC
Thanks chic.So does that mean that only you and I can see anything I write to you.If so I will risk telling you who the lady in question is.
I've only been wary about telling you in case she is a good friend of yours. You never know but she maybe because I think she has been oin the group for quite a while. Where as I have only been leaving comments.Her and another lady said my posts where driving them crazy.
I put them on my friends list but she didn't make a mutual friend. I was lurking for around 1 year before I got the courage to post.I have always loved Ben.In fact my son said that if I lived in the States I would classed as a stalker.Ooh,Ooh!! Scary thats me.LOL.By the way I think the lady maybe made the last post on the board.(after mine) Does that give you a clue? I hope so ! then I won't have to mention names.(I'm a coward)LOL!
Today I had a bit of good news.I don't have to have a set treatment of the dreaded "Chemo" I'm taking that as good because that makes me feel horrid.They are going to use the "Fekk system" its a cold cap treatment.There a fair chance of not losing my hair.Yay! That can't be bad can it? I'm chuffed to bits.

K; I'm whingeing again. Thanks for the advice and thankyou for listening.Sorry for being sooo long winded.*Mmwh* *hugs!*


jassylou September 23 2007, 23:14:15 UTC
I'd like to thank you and ren for being so compassionate and helping me through last wednesday.I'm not denying it now.I'm going to fight this.With the help of friends like you both and a little help from Ben.I know I'll win!! "move over Ben" Jassylou has got HER gun!!! LOL.


60schic September 24 2007, 00:19:22 UTC
Darling, I so hope that you will fight this, and that you will survive---I am praying for you.

Our sweet Ben will have you in his prayers.


jassylou September 24 2007, 00:42:31 UTC
God Bless! You're a friend indeed!!(THE BEST KIND) and a Ben supporter to boot.What more could a girl ask? Oh I know,from Ben I would like ??????(CENSORED) It's not cheeky it's real hard-core. LOL (not kidding)
Don't tell ren or she'll want in on the action.heee


renata_mcm September 18 2007, 20:27:43 UTC
Hey, hun, this is what I have to say. I don't know of which person or situation specifically you're talking about, but you're a nice special girl, you're likeable and able to make many friends. If one certain person doesn't want to be your friend, well, you can't force her/him, it's her/his missed opportunity, anyways. You don't need that, you don't need anyone to make yourself happy. That's what i try to think in my own life, I hope it can help you somehow.
I'm praying for your health and well being, I really hope you feel better.


jassylou September 18 2007, 20:46:53 UTC
Hey and even more good advice!! I won't say who it is she maybe a good friend of yours.Can you remember when I first started to post and someone said they made her crazy.(Same one) Anyway the ball's in her court now.

I've still got good friends(sincere) who like a bit of fun.That's all that counts. INNIT? That and the lurvv of Ben of course!! Only wish it was his for me and not the other way round!! Do you wanna play with BEN *SPLUTTER*phrased that wrong!!LOLheee.I'm first but I'm sure chic will manage to beat us off.:D


jassylou September 23 2007, 23:23:21 UTC
I'm totally off topic for that I'm sorry. I really had to jump in and thank you,chic and Ben for helping me through this.
It's history now "what will be will be".Ha HA.Now who sounds a bit like Johnny.LOL. only difference is I'm "crazy" but harmless. Oh dear *digging a hole* I'm gone !!!!!!*hugs* heeee


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