rarewomen Author,
Hooray! First of all I just want to say that I love fic exchanges and I will be excited with whatever you write for me! But if you are looking for slightly more guidance, read on. Oh and second of all: I'm heyjupiter from AO3, I know it's kind of confusing that my internet names are totally different!
In stories, I generally like: witty banter, slice-of-life fic, dealing with the way ~real life issues~ play out in fandom universes. This also includes the way reality television would play out in fandom universes. Like, write me any character watching Jersey Shore (or some equally quality program) and I will love it. I like it when characters play with cats, or are irritated by cats. I like hurt/comfort, but not too much hurt. More like if one character is sick and another makes her soup, not like if one character is left bleeding in a ditch and another character brings her to a hospital. I like crossovers.
I dislike nonconsensual sex, and, um... I don't know? I don't like it when lady characters I love are treated poorly by fics, but I don't think that should be a problem here ;)
X-Men (Comicverse)
Laura Kinney
Jubilation Lee
Ororo Munroe
Jean Grey
Emma Frost
I read comics in fits and starts, and there are so many X-books it's hard for me to stay on top of them all. I'm fine with something that's sort of general comics-versey without being too specific.
If you want to get comics specific: I read and loved all of X-23's solo book, and would love anything more about Laura and Jubilee's adventures!! Could be Laura/Jubilee slash or gen, either way is great. (Also, I know it's Rare Women, but I loved Remy and Logan in X-23 too so feel free to include them as background characters, if you'd like.) Um, I read the first trade of Brian Wood's all-lady new X-Men and would love more about Jubilee and Shogo. Or more about Storm, in that book or any other one, really! I'd be cool to read Jean and Emma getting together for a drink and bitching about Scott.
Breaking Bad
Marie Schrader
Skyler White
Andrea Cantillo
Jane Margolis
I know it's a copout to say "anything really," but... anything really? Um, I'd be interested in backstory on Marie and Skyler's upbringing. Or a story about Marie and Skyler post-Felina. Backstory for any of these characters, really! I'd also be interested in what Jane or Andrea think about Jesse.
Ava Crowder
Rachel Brooks
Loretta McCready
Mags Bennett
OK, I just started watching Justified pretty recently and I'm only up to season 4 right now!! I'll probably have seen season 5 by the time this exchange gets up, but if we match on Justified and if you could possibly write something based on the first four seasons, that would be great. But if there's a season 5 story you really want to tell, just please warn me for it and if I have to, I'll save it for when I get caught up :)
Anyway, I have to say that Rachel is my favorite and I would love anything that's essentially her rolling her eyes at the ridiculous shit Raylan and Tim get away with. OR backstory about her.
I would NOT be opposed to Ava's perspective on an Ava/Boyd/Raylan threesome. I would not be opposed to Ava's perspective on anything at all.
I have no specific prompts for Mags and Loretta but I loved that whole arc and would love anything more about either or both of them.
Have fun!!