Jul 26, 2006 11:47
The chore focus for today was to be harvesting the green crops today. So, I started with the zuchini that were ready, I know the summer squash are yellow but they were ready so out they came. Then off to the cucumbers which there were a good many of them. Alot of the broccoli had went to seed, the heat changes will make it bolt rather quickly. We have alot of different varieties of different colored lettuces but those are being saved for this weekend at the picnic. Deciding that the weeds were trying to fully envelope the garlic rows, I went into a frenzy of weeding, harvesting and cursing opening, ending with 4 of the about 10 different varieties harvested. Some of it turned out really well, but then again, some of it ended up rather small, because of the weeds and water mismanagement by farmer Renart this year. Feh.