Concerning - An Tir Kingdom Feast
Ocean Shores Convention Center, Ocean Shores, WA
November 1-3, 2013
Greetings from Ducessa Hlutwige and the Honourable Lord Renart le fox de Berwyk.
With a happy heart we inform you that approval from the Kingdom financial committee has been given!
While this event is still in the early planning stages, we wanted to keep all groups of An Tir in the loop and hopefully share with you exciting information concerning the event, and invite you to take part in the planning, and with many of your people, attend the event itself in November 2013.
In the planning so far: We are planning an all-day feast, with the first course heading out to those gathered early and then another course every 1.5 hours or so. Each course will be more than enough to carry you through not only the many other activities we are planning but to the next remove. The feast will be inspired by a tour across Europe throughout the middle ages.
In between the removes, a variety of bardic activities shall take place; we shall all be able to enjoy these bits and pieces of the bardic display along with enjoying our friends company and conversation. This event is designed to focus on performance and arts displays. Note also that there will be no official court held during the event. We hope you will share this information with your populace especially those interested in the performance arts.
A devised piece is in the works for those gathered to enjoy after the dessert course at 7pm and an Artisan's display and auction is planned, wherein items donated with the proceeds given to the Raven Travel Fund.
We are hoping each branch of An Tir will want to help out somewhere, in the kitchen, serving, gate, decorations, bardic, etc. So much fun to be had! We will be updating you with specifics later. We are looking to feed 250 people for the day, though we have plenty of room for more. Our break- even point is 200, currently we are looking at charging 25$ a seat for adults and 15$ a seat for all under 17. Pre-registration only.
Even at this early stage of planning, the Shilo Inns has offered to give discounts for rooms for people attending the event. Certainly there will be more, as well as possible crash space.
Please send your questions to the Event Steward; His Lordship Renart at: and he will get back to you as soon as possible.