Apr 05, 2007 13:42
Took some time this morning to work-rework-work on watering hoses for this year. Too many times they have been left in the drive to be run over by the multitudes, quickly ruining them.
Got at least somewhat of a working hose setup and took the sprayer out after the roses and fruit trees. Pyola is a lovely organic bug killer, aphids, mites, catapillar worms, larvae, etc ..
Got out to the pumphouse near the garden and had to deal with 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 wasps, hornets, etc trying to rekindle last years nests, bastids .. .they no like organic mint wasp foam/spay.
Area sprinklers are working on the seedlings in the garden. 1.5 hours, then move, then 1.5 then move ..
Last eve we moved 3000 (or so) onions/leeks out into the cold frames for hardening off, they are starting to get some good size to them. We then started new seed trays in the greenhouse, tomatoes, peppers, more lettuce, etc. We also decided to try to grow some spinach in the greenhouse. NOT AT ALL SURE we can harvest/regrow spinach like we can lettuce. The lettuce when needed can just be trimmed off about 2 inches above the pot and it will regrow in a week .. YUMMY>! So we shall see. Going to be a good garden year this year.