Sep 16, 2006 00:14
Drinkin' the wine and the beer.
The Mattimus sleeps, he goes on set at 4 AM. Will Smith movie. Zombies invade Manhattan. Cuz Matt rules that way, yes.
Hattie cat is making small noises. Cute snuggly creature.
I am waiting for my muslin to arrive in the mail. I want to embroider Matt's doodles, wtf! Also - embroidery is most cool and I need to get more thread sos I can create more mismash art pieces and poesies.
Writing flash fiction again. Huzzah.
On school - as the book says, we may be done with the past, but the past isn't done with us. (Magnolia)
Kids keep calling.
I told you I was drinkin' the wine and the beer.
Will be in the ATL first weekend of October. Yarsh.
It's Friday night. How much more can she drink?