I've been writing for school all week. I can't manage to make myself do it today. It's going to be suckfest tomorrow, the weekend and Monday because of today's lethargy, but I don't really give a fuck. All I felt like doing today was researching possible publishers for my fiction and poetry and searching for tattoo images.
Here's the left shoulder cap I'm going to get, sans the writing on top:
http://www.uark.edu/misc/julio/mi/ For the right shoulder I want Wolverine. Think it's cheesy? I'll give you a taste of adamantium. I'm still looking for the right picture.
I'm trying to represent each side of my bisexuality as well as my love of comics.
I need to eat lunch. I need to rejoin Hattie in the other room. I'm sure she's getting lonely and destroying a plant. She's a darling cat. A bit wild, but that's how I like them. And she's adorable.
I need to move the computer into the other room so I can work and Matt can sleep at night. Also, so I can hang out with the cat during the day.
We're getting an air conditioner for the bedroom tomorrow and I'm going to take the car in for several hundred dollars worth of work. Our first driving trip begins next Wednesday, and my girl June (June Bug, a 2001 green Ford Focus) needs to be ready. Also, I have to drop off some art at a framing gallery near Union Square. I'm bringing art for my Mom and sister to Maine in August and I want it to be ready.
But, this is all tomorrow. Today I feel awake and listless at the same time.
Matt's going to yoga for the first time tonight. I love yoga. I'm newly rediscovered my love for exercise and my body already feels better. I have more energy. I feel better about myself. It's just great.
Okay, food. I don't know what there is to eat, but I'll find something.