several days of updates

Jan 16, 2008 09:47

These updates were written the day it says. I copied them from one place to here.

I will update again soon.



35 days (at most) and counting!

Today my friend Amie is coming over. She is going to help me around the basement, like with folding clothes and such. She wont let me do much else. LOL. Amie already brought over her gifts for TJ. A pack of diapers (I was SOOO excited to see that! TJ's first diaper! LOL) a blanket, a burping rag, baby shampoo and soap and powder, diaper cream and some onesies. One of the onesies says  "I was just testing you" on it. LOFL. I thought it was too cute.

Well, took the pill to stop the contractions. I hate that. I know I'm not dialated which is why they want the contractions to stop, but I want TJ out here so bad. You should see Jay talking to my tummy/TJ and rubbing and holding and everything. Jay is ready to I think. One thing he told TJ is "Don't hurt da mama". Jay has been so good to me thru this. He helps me to walk when I need it, to get up the stairs, or just gets whatever it is for me (within reason). The other night when we were at the hospital and they said I wasn't dialated or anything, I cried real hard. He cried too.

Jay is so special and sweet. I am glad that others either never noticed so he left them, or they left him out of stupidity. I'm also very glad that my past relationships came to an end, because that gave Jay and I a great begining. We knew the other came with history, or baggage, and that the other was also a package deal. Me and Tiff. Jay and Justin. We both really liked the whole package and thats why we are at this moment in time and life together.

Sorry about the mushy moment there. Not sure where that came from. Umm, Waiter? I don't think I ordered mushy.


Well, The med the doc wants me to take to stop the contractions gives me not just a headache, or a migraine. It gives me a MAJOR migraine AND makes me loopy. I go to doc on Thursday. grumble grumble.

We are registered at Walmart or for baby things. I know most ppl say you don't have a shower for your 2nd baby. I say why not? Expecially since it has been 9 YEARS since there was anything baby in the house. And a lot of my friends want to have the shower for me. :D

But we can't afford most baby stuff atm due to renovating mom's house from a 2 bedroom to a 5 bedroom. THAT takes a lot of work. We hope that we can have the walls for the 5th bedroom, which is mine and Jay's room, up by the end of Jan. They won't be painted or anything and still need to be worked on, but they'd be up! The kids rooms are just needing the final touch up work around the windows, swept and something else put down instead of concrete floor, painted and I think thats about it.

side note - my cat is on crack. thank you.

But I have been getting really scared/nervous/almost paranoid about the labor and c-section and such. My one most major fear is - What if my water breaks when I'm out in public? My water never broke when I had Tiffany. So it's like this is all brand new stuff to me.  Tiff was due end of Jan, I had her begining of Dec. A good 50-60 days early. Now I have 36 days to go. This is the part that is new to me.

I am trying to keep my head clear and stay relaxed and calm. But I want my baby in my arms so bad. I wanna hold my boy and tell him I love him. I want the next step, where the real crazy hectic chaos of life begins, to begin.


Monday night Jay and went to the ER at MoBap.

Yes, I was having real, full force, every 3 min contractions. But I am not dialated. Like, not at all. I cried so hard core. I am ready to hold my son in my arms. I was hoping that by now I would. I know I have 36 days to go. I am impaitent. But they gave me a shot to stop the contractions. After awhile they started back up. So they gave me a pill. It worked. It works so well that I have a migraine from hell. And I have to take this pill every 6 hours till I see my doc on Thursday at 1130. We got to the ER about 12/1230 and got home about 530 this morning.

Neddless to say, Jay did not go to work today. I love my husband. He makes me oh so happy!

head hurts now. like big badda boom hurt.


WOW! I can't believe I only have at most 37 days left till TJ is here. I can't wait. Well, I mean I have to but I dont want to. LOL. There is still so much to do around here before he gets here. Like putting up the walls for mine and Jay's room. We plan to only put up the inner walls till after the inspections, but that way the dust is at a minimum once TJ is here.

TJ thinks he is either in a mosh pit or doing the cha cha. Puppy voted for the cha cha. LOFL. He is V E R Y active lately, expecially at night when I am wanting to sleep. Go fig.

The doc has me on Darvocet for any pain related to TJ. ie lower back pain and/or cramping. I can take 1-2 every 4 hours as needed. I take 1 before I go to bed and maybe 1 about 3 or 4 in the morning. I try not to take more than that.

I sleep or rest a lot too. Im not on ordered bed rest, but I am taking it easy in the hopes that I wont be put on it.

There is going to be a baby shower for me. If you want info, contact me and I will pass your address over to my friend Heather. Possible dates are Jan 26 or Feb 2.

If you havent gotten the memo - We are registered at Walmart. Name Diana Dolan due date Feb 20, 2008. We haven't had baby stuff in 9 years. We need baby stuff! LOFL. A lot of what is in the registry is cheap. I dont need the most expensive stuff on the market. Dont want it either. Im smart like that.
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