Good news, bad news

Jan 19, 2006 19:35

Good news

Last night my friends M & D had their baby boy. His name is William. William was born at 9:48pm, Jan 18, 2006, 8lbs 3.5 oz, 20 1/2 inches long. He is a quiet baby, and has the most amazing eyes to look at. I wish M, D and William the best of everything.

I went to the hospital this morning to see William. I got there at 8:45am. M was asleep, D had gone home to sleep. So I went to the nursery to see WIlliam. I got about 5 feet from M's door when I spotted D's grandparents. T let them know that M was asleep still and that I was going to go see William. They said they would go see William too. Grandmother made small talk. I responded and was very nice. Ive heard stories of her, but had never really talked to her. I thought she was nice, for only chit chatting for less than 5 min. We went on and on about William. How is is a quiet baby, and his eye color, and so on. Well, they decided to go on and do the other stuff they needed to do. Made sence to me. On their way out, they stopped by M's room again. She was awake. I went back there a short bit later to find this out. I entered the room and remained scielent, so the 3 of them could talk. I kept myself hidden from M, so I couldnt distract her. The "Sister" was in there too, to give communion. After the grandparents left, I went to the other side of the bed and sat down. I still was quiet, so M could talk to the Sister.
Jumpmg forward, I got to hold William after he had been eating for about 45 min. It was such a wonderful feeling to have a less than 1 day old child in my arms. He didn't cry once. Didnt even try to cry.

Bad news

When D and his mom came in at 10:45 (2 hours AFTER I got there), I had already given William to a nurse. As they walked in, I started jumping for joy at the fact I had held William. Nana threw the bag she had down and stormed out of the room. D quickly explained to me that for her 1st and 2nd grandchild, someone else had also beat her to holding them. This pissed her off to no end that I had held William before she had. I was not aware of anyof this till he told me, and then it was too late. I started to cry so hard I could barely talk. I left the room, and passed the sitting area where Nana had gone to sit and make a phone call. I think she called her hubby. I heard she saying how pissed she was, that she could believe this happened, how pissed she was. I went to the elevator which was right by the sitting area, pushed the button, waited, listened to more of her rant, and hurried on the elevator when it got there. I have no idea if she heard me crying or not. It does not matter. I sent D a text message saying I was sorry, I didnt know, and that i was not coming back up there because i didnt want to piss her off even more. He has not called or texted me back.

This evening I got a call from D's brother, P. He asked me for my side. I told him. Then he asked me about what happened with his grandparents. I tild him. Then he told me what his grandparents said. WTF????? They are saying I was rude, pushy, bossy, ect. I made sure I was nice to them/her. She is the one to watch out for. D and P do not call her grandma or anything short/personal. They refer to and call her Grandmother. She can be very cold hearted. Today was one of those days I guess. P told me he didnt know what happened, but he wanted to get my side. Grandmother aparently called Nana and told her. So now she is even more pissed at me.

I have no idea what M or D think of this. I am not going to call to find out. I told P to let them know that I was not going to be calling them untill Nana cooled her jets.

Now, my question is, WTF did I do wrong? Where TF did things go downhill? Am I being petty or is the Nana? No one told me anything so how could I know? M was ok with me holding William, why couldnt Nana? Grandmother? WTF happened today? Please tell me cuz I have no clue.
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