The Wedding
upcomingrequiemCategory: [Code Geass R2]; Drabble. Crack. Random Crack. (on the wall)
Rating: G to PG
Pairings: LuluSuza lolness.
Disclaimer: I can't claim anything. In fact, Code Geass pwns me. T______T
Warnings: asdfghjkl-ness. utter wut. and... spoilers for the preview of episode 9.
Notes: so what if Episode 9 is not yet out? I was too shocked at the preview of the subs (not to mention the kissing scene, the 'His' part and... this is for lulz. (And I'm supposed to be doing two essays~)
Summary: In which Lelouch gets married... I mean Zero... yea...
Any objections or forever hold your peace. )